This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Creating an import to start a business process definition

A service might need to start or interact a business process definition (BPD) instance to enable a human-centric interaction. For example, the service might encounter an unexpected business situation and need human interaction to resolve it. An SCA import can be created to start or interact with a BPD instance.

Before you begin

For imports that start or interact with a BPD instance from a Service Component Architecture (SCA) module, the authenticated user role must have at least deployer and monitor roles.


To create an import to start or interact with a BPD instance, follow these steps:

  1. From the Business Integration view, expand the process application and right-click the BPD you want to start. The available BPDs are listed under Processes. Select Create Import. Alternately, on the assembly editor palette you can expand Outbound Imports, and then select Business Process Definition, drag it onto the canvas and select the BPD from the dialog box. You can also do one of the following procedures:
    • If you are working on the assembly diagram, you can drag the BPD from the Business Integration perspective onto the assembly editor canvas. It displays the Create Import dialog.
    • If you are working in the BEPL editor and want to start a BPD from BPEL, drag the BPD from the Business Integration perspective directly into the BPEL editor:
      • If the BPD contains a None Start Event and does not contain any start or intermediate message events:
        • If the BPEL process is long running, the SCA import is created with a request-response interface.
        • If the BPEL process is a microflow, the SCA import is created with a one-way interface.
      • If the BPD contains a Start or Intermediate Message Event, or if there is no None Start Event, a dialog opens that explains that you must create the SCA Import manually by adding the BPD to the assembly diagram.
  2. In the Create Import window, all the exposed BPD interfaces are listed. Select any combination of one or more interfaces for the Import.
    • The Available request-response interfaces section lists interfaces that start the BPD instance and receive its outputs as a response from the BPD instance when it completes.
    • The Available one-way interfaces section lists interfaces that start the BPD instance or interact with an existing BPD instance. For one-way interfaces, there is no response returned from the BPD.
  3. An import is created and added to the assembly editor canvas.