Setting up a schedule on the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Define a schedule on the Tivoli® Storage Manager server to automatically run online backups of Oracle server databases.


To set up a schedule on the Tivoli Storage Manager server:

  1. Define the following schedule on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. You can enter the command on the Tivoli Storage Manager server console or on an administrative client. The administrative client does not have to be running on the same system as the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
    UNIX and Linux operating systems
      define schedule PolicyA1 daily_orcbkup description="08Daily Online DB Backup"
      action=command objects="/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/sched/schedbkdb.scr"
      starttime=21:00 duration=15 durunits=minutes period=1 perunits=day
    Windows operating systems
    define schedule PolicyA1 daily_orcbkup description="07Daily Online DB Backup"
    action=command objects="C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\AgentOBA\sched\orcsched.cmd"
    starttime=21:00 duration=15 durunits=minutes period=1 perunits=day
    The following message must display before you proceed to the next step:
      ANR2500I Schedule daily_orcbkup defined in policy domain PolicyA1. 
  2. Issue the following command to associate the Data Protection for Oracle node to the backup schedule defined in step 1:
      define association PolicyA1 daily_orcbkup NodeA1
    UNIX and Linux operating systemsThe following message must display before you proceed to Setting up a schedule on the client machine NodeA1:
      ANR2510I Node NodeA1 associated with schedule orc_dailybkup 
               in policy domain PolicyA1.


  • A backup schedule is now defined on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
  • UNIX and Linux operating systemsThe backup schedule runs the scheduler backup script schedbkdb.scr. The backup scripts run the command script mysched.scr, which runs the RMAN backup script bkdb.scr in the /home/oracle/sched directory.
  • Windows operating systemsThe backup schedule runs the command file orcsched.cmd, in the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\AgentOBA\sched\ or c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\agentoba\sched\ directory.
  • The backup runs daily around 9:00 PM.
  • The backup schedule can start on any day of the week.
  • You can run the Tivoli Storage Manager query schedule and query association commands to confirm that the schedule and node association are set correctly.