xscmd utility reference

You can use the following list of commands as a reference when you are using the xscmd utility.

General command parameters

The general format of xscmd utility commands follows. The optional parameters are in square brackets [ ].
Usage: xscmd -c <cmdName> | -h <cmdName> | -lc [<cmdGroupName>] | -lcg
             [-tt <type>] [-prot <protocol>] [-trf <filePath>] [-ks
             <filePath>] [-ksp <password>] [-user <username>] [-al <alias>]
             [-cgp <property>] [-kst <type>] [-cep <endpoints>] [-ssp
             <profileName>] [-tsp <password>] [-arc <integer>] [-trs
             <traceSpec>] [-tst <type>] [-to <serverTimeout>] [-cxpv
             <provider>] [-sp <profileName>] [-pwd <password>] [-ca <support>]
             [-cgc <className>] [-ts <filePath>]

  -al,--alias <alias>                  Alias name in the keystore.

  -arc,--authRetryCount <integer>      The retry count for authentication if
                                       the credential is expired. If the
                                       value is set to 0, then authentication
                                       retries do not occur.

  -c,--command <cmdName>               Specifies the name of the command to

  -ca,--credAuth <support>             Set the client credential
                                       authentication support [Never,
                                       Supported, Required].

  -cep,--catalogEndPoints <endpoints>  Specifies one or more catalog service
                                       endpoints in the format
                                       <listenerPort>]]. Default endpoint:

  -cgc,--credGenClass <className>      Specifies the name of the class that
                                       implements the CredentialGenerator
                                       interface. This class is used to get
                                       credentials for clients.

  -cgp,--credGenProps <property>       Specifies the properties for the
                                       CredentialGenerator implementation
                                       class. The properties are set to the
                                       object with the setProperties(String)

  -cxpv,--contextProvider <provider>   Context provider.  Examples: IBMJSSE2,
                                       IBMJSSE, IBMJSSEFIPS.
 -fips                                 Specifies that xscmd runs in FIPS mode so 
                                       that the the cryptography used within xscmd 
                                       for SSL encryption is FIPS compliant. 
  -h,--help <cmdName>                  Invokes general command-line help

  -ks,--keyStore <filePath>            Absolute path to keystore. Example:

  -ksp,--keyStorePassword <password>   Specifies the password to the keystore.

  -kst,--keyStoreType <type>           Keystore type. Example: JKS, JCEK,

  -lc,--listCommands <cmdGroupName>    List all commands for a command group

  -lcg,--listCommandGroups             List all command groups

  -lpc,--listPrivateCommands           List all private commands.

  -prot,--protocol <protocol>          Protocol.  Examples: SSL, SSLv2,
                                       SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, TLSv1.2.

  -pwd,--password <password>           eXtreme Scale password security

  -sp,--secProfile <profileName>       Specifies a profile name.
  -sp800_131 strict                    Specifies that xscmd runs in SP800-131a strict mode 
                                       so that TLS connections with the server must comply 
                                       with the NIST SP800-131a strict standard.

  -sp800_131 transition                Specifies that xscmd runs in SP800-131a 
                                       transition mode so that TLS connections with the 
                                       server must comply with the NIST SP800-131a 
                                       transition standard.
  -ssp,--saveSecProfile <profileName>  Save security parameter values in
                                       security profile.

  -to,--timeout <serverTimeout>        Server connection timeout in seconds

  -trf,--traceFile <filePath>          Specifies the absolute path to the
                                       generated trace file for xscmd command

  -trs,--traceSpec <traceSpec>         Specifies the trace specification for
                                       xscmd command output

  -ts,--trustStore <filePath>          Absolute path to truststore. Example:

  -tsp,--trustStorePassword <password> Truststore password

  -tst,--trustStoreType <type>         Truststore type. Examples: JKS, JCEK,

  -tt,--transportType <type>           Transport layer security configuration
                                       type.  Examples: TCP/IP,
                                       SSL-Supported, SSL-Required.

  -user,--username <username>          eXtreme Scale user name security
Restriction: You can use FIPS data encryption with the TLSv1 protocol only.

All commands

The full list of xscmd utility commands follows. For those commands that you use to manage quorum, note that you must enable the quorum mechanism on all of the catalog servers in the catalog service domain, since quorum is disabled by default in the appliance. Changing the quorum configuration requires a restart.
Note: Column names may change (except for a column type and position), and new columns may be added to the end of a table if a command is enhanced as appropriate.
For further help and parameters for a specific command run xscmd -h command_name. If you plan on developing a customized script with these commands, then you should redirect the standard error path to a null device by running the following:./xscmd.sh -c commandName -Options 2> /dev/null


The following examples demonstrate how to run a command from the xscmd utility:

./xscmd.sh -lc * This command lists all available commands

./xscmd.sh -h showMapSizes * This command lists help for the showMapSizes command
Important: The output and usage of the following commands are subject to change in the future. If a command is marked with an asterisk (*) it means that only the output of the command is subject to change:
  • listHosts
  • showPlacement
  • placementServiceStatus
  • showDomainReplicationState
  • showReplicationState
  • *osgiAll
  • *osgiCheck
  • *osgiCurrent
  • *osgiUpdate
  • *showLinkedPrimaries