Publishing web projects to a web publishing server

The static web publishing server supports the publishing of simple web projects to an HTTP web server, for example IBM® HTTP Server.

Before you begin

  1. Create a web project that is simple, runs in the browser, and contains no server-side rendering artifacts, such as JSP, servlets and JSF files. In previous versions of the workbench, the project was called static web project.
  2. Create a server, selecting Static Web Publishing Server as the server type.
  3. Add the web project to the server.


  1. In the Servers view, open the server editor by double-clicking your static web publishing server.
  2. You can edit the following settings:
    • HTTP port number The default HTTP port number is set to 80. Change the HTTP port number by selecting the field.
    • Alias Path Mapping The alias is an alternative name used to specify a server relative URL. It is a copy of the alias mappings on the target web server. If the target web server has aliases defined, and those aliases affect the serving of published files, then those aliases should be added here. You can add an alias by clicking Add. You can remove or edit aliases and their paths by selecting an alias and clicking Remove or Edit.
  3. Under Configured Publishing Path Mapping, you can view the following settings, but you cannot edit these configurations in the server editor:
    • Project Name Name of the projects that are associated with this server.
    • Context Root The default relative path to the project off the server root after publishing. For example if the context root is /projects/myProject, then the project will be published to /projects/myProject. If the context root matches an Alias Path name, the publish path will be the alias mapped path.
  4. To publish using the static web publishing server, in the Servers view, select the static web publishing server that you want to publish.
  5. In the Servers view toolbar, click the Publish to the server icon, or right-click the server and select Publish.
