Step 2: Managing the embedded rule project in Operational Decision Manager

After you have imported a rule project into Rule Designer or Decision Center, you can leverage the full capabilities of Operational Decision Manager.

About this task

You can edit your embedded rules in Rule Designer or Decision Center the same way you edit any Operational Decision Manager rule project. The Operational Decision Manager editors are more sophisticated than the editors provided with Business Rules Embedded.

The following features are available to you through the Operational Decision Manager editors:

  • Vocabulary definition: Define new variables for use in embedded rules
  • Localization: Edit rules in your preferred language.
  • Ruleflow management: Graphically direct the decision flow of your rules. This feature is useful in organizing complex decision flows, and helps in understanding the interaction of different rules.
  • Direct participation of business users: Nontechnical and business application users can update the rules directly through the browser-based consoles of Decision Center, and support for Microsoft Office through Rule Solutions for Office and its Rule Docs.

In Rule Designer, you can perform the following tasks:


Although you can also change the XOM and parameters in Rule Designer, this is not recommended because changing the XOM and parameters breaks the runtime interface that the host application has with the original embedded rule project.

In Decision Center, you can use the full range of capabilities, including the features in the Business console: