Working with languages other than English

You can create solution projects in Chinese, French, German, or Hebrew, and use this language to write business rules.

About this task

To write rules entirely in Chinese, French, German, or Hebrew, you prepare your solution project and its business model.


  1. Create a solution project and select the language that you want to use for your rules in the Language settings section.
  2. Write the business model definitions of your entities and events and specify their translations by using dictionary definitions. For example, you can define the French translations for the person entity and the address, phone number, and age attributes:
    French dictionary : 
    	use personne for person with gender feminine,
    	use adresse for address with gender feminine , 
    	use numéro de téléphone for phone number,
    	use âge for age.
    The terms that you translate are the business terms that refer to entities, events, concepts, attributes, values in enumerations, and data providers.
  3. Define your rule agents in English. If you used the translated terms within the definitions, use these terms in the placeholders of the rule agents descriptors.
  4. Write rules in the solution language that you selected when you created the solution project. The completion menu suggests constructs in this language, as well as the translations that you defined in the business model definitions.

Example of a solution project in French

The following business model definitions define the entities and events of a solution project with the French translation for each term:
a person is a business entity identified by an ID.
a person has an address, a phone number, an age.

a purchase is a business event.
a purchase is related to a person.
a purchase has a total price (a number).

a coupon is a business event.
French dictionary : 
	use personne for person with gender feminine,
	use adresse for address with gender feminine , 
	use numéro de téléphone for phone number,
	use âge for age,
	use achat for purchase,
	use prix total for total price with plural prix totaux,
	use réduction for coupon with gender feminine . 
The following agent processes purchase events in English:
'French_agent' is an agent related to a person  , 
processing events :
- purchase , where this person comes from the person of this purchase 
As a result, the following rule can use the French terms and constructs:
quand un achat survient 
   si le prix total de cet achat est plus grand que 100
   émettre une nouvelle réduction ;