Adding solution properties for predictive scoring agents

Provide the required credentials to connect to a scoring service by adding properties to your solution properties file.

About this task

When your solution includes a predictive scoring agent, you must add properties to your solution properties file for each scoring service that is used by your solution.


  1. Set a property for the URL of the scoring service.

    For example:

    <property name="my_scoring_endpoint.url">http://localhost:9080/scoring/services/Scoring.HttpV2</property>
  2. Set a property for a user that has access to the scoring service.

    For example:

    <property name="my_scoring_endpoint.user">user1</property>

    In the predictive scoring agent examples, my_scoring_endpoint is the endpoint name that is specified in the @ScoringConfiguration annotation.

  3. Set a property for the password that is specific to the user property.

    For example:

    <property name="my_scoring_endpoint.password" encoded="true">{xor}KzosKzot</property>

What to do next

Test the connection to the scoring service to make sure that the authentication settings in the properties are passed to the server successfully.