Creating a development server

Create a Decision Server Insights development server on the host machine by running a server create command, specifying the server name and the cisDev template name as input parameters.

About this task

The Decision Server Insights cisDev template is ready to use, and in most cases does not need any modification. When you start the development server that you have created, Liberty automatically creates an SSL keystore and certificate that provide a default level of security suitable for use in a non-production environment. If the default level of security meets your needs, you do not have to customize the security of the development server.

You can create and use more than one development server. However, you must define separate port values for each server so that they do not contend for the same IP ports.


  1. Open a command window and change directory to <InstallDir>/runtime/wlp/bin.
  2. Enter the server create command, specifying the name of the server you want to create and the cisDev template.


The following example shows how to create a development server named cisDev01.

On Windows:

server create cisDev01 --template=cisDev

On Linux:

./server create cisDev01 --template=cisDev

A message confirms the server is created after the command is run.

server cisDev01 created.