REST interface for XOM resources

Rule Execution Server resources that represent XOM instances.


Resources for developing client applications that work with execution object models (XOM) running on Rule Execution Server
These resources include:

Available Since

Summary of all Methods

+ View Methods
REST Method Description
GET /api/v1/xoms[?parts={string}] Returns all the managed XOMs contained in the repository.
GET /api/v1/xoms?count={boolean} Counts the number of elements in this list.
GET /api/v1/xoms/{xomname}[?parts={string}] Returns all the managed XOMs with the specified name. If the repository does not contain any managed XOM with this name, the response body contains an empty list.
GET /api/v1/xoms/{xomname}?count={boolean} Counts the number of elements in this list.
POST /api/v1/xoms/{xomname} Deploys a managed XOM in the repository.
GET /api/v1/xoms/{xomname}/bytecode[?filename={string}] Returns the byte code of the highest version of the managed XOM. If the repository does not contain such a managed XOM, the response body is empty and the HTTP status 204 is returned.
GET /api/v1/xoms/{xomname}/highest[?parts={string}] Returns the highest version of a managed XOM identified by its name. If the repository does not contain such a managed XOM, the response body is empty and the HTTP status 204 is returned.
GET /api/v1/xoms/{xomname}/{xomversion}[?parts={string}] Returns the description of a managed XOM. If the repository does not contain such a managed XOM, the response body is empty and the HTTP status 204 is returned.
DELETE /api/v1/xoms/{xomname}/{xomversion} Removes a managed XOM from the repository. If the repository does not contain such a managed XOM, the response body contains a specific error description and the HTTP status 202 is returned. If the removed managed XOM was still in use, the behavior is undefined.
GET /api/v1/xoms/{xomname}/{xomversion}/bytecode[?filename={string}] Returns the byte code of a managed XOM identified by its name and version number. If the repository does not contain such a managed XOM, the response body is empty and the HTTP status 204 is returned.


The following subtopics describe the REST resources defined for this resource set:

Parent Topic: Decision Server REST Interface