Dates and times

You can use the Date, Simple Date, and Universal Date value types to express date values. You can use the Time and Universal Time value types to express time values.

Several types of date and time are available.

In the following table, a is the symbol for AM or PM, and z is the time zone information, for example +0200.


Standard date format that includes time, and is written as:

m/d/y h:mm:ss a

Simple Date

Simple date format that does not include time, and is written as:



Time format that is written as either:

h:mm:ss a

h:mm a

Universal Time

Time format that includes the time zone, and is written as either: h:mm:ss a z

h:mm a z

Universal Date

Date and time format that includes the time zone, and is written as:

m/d/y h:mm:ss a z


The business rule language supports only the Gregorian calendar format.