
Each column in a decision table represents a condition or an action.

The columns in a decision table hold the conditions and actions of the rules in the table. As shown in the following table, the top cell of each column identifies the object of a condition, or the target of an action.

Image shows column headers.

Each row in the table forms a rule. The rule does the actions in its row when the conditions in the same row are met. For example, the second row in the example states the following rule:

   all of the following conditions are true:
      - the loan grade is A
      - the amount of the loan is between 100000 and 300000
   set the Insurance required to true
   set the Insurance rate to 0.001

You use operators to express a range of values for a condition. For example, this condition statement uses a range of ages that requires values for <min> and <max>:

   the age of the customer is between <min> and <max>

The following decision table expresses this condition for two rules in the Age column. It uses operators and <min> and <max> values to define the age ranges:

Image shows age column.