Checking your installation

After you have finished installing the Operational Decision Manager components, you can verify the content of the installation directory.

In your file system, go to your <InstallDir> folder: for example C:\Program Files\IBM\ODM85. Use the table below to help you identify the Operational Decision Manager features that are installed on your computer:

Table 1. Component-folder mapping
Component Folders
Decision Server Rules
Rule Designer studio
Rule Execution Server executionserver
Getting started tutorials gettingstarted
Sample server shared/sampleServer
.NET engine and migration tool dotnet
Decision Server Events
Event Designer connectors, runtime
Decision Center teamserver, Rule Solutions for Office (optional)
Business Rules Embedded rules-sdk

If you have installed the component Profile templates for WebSphere® Application Server, the corresponding folders are located in these directories:

<WAS_InstallDir>/profileTemplates/rules for rules profiles.

<WAS_InstallDir>/profileTemplates/wbe for events profiles.