Creating a Custom Search Dashboards

You can use Custom Search Dashboards to extract data from IBM® Operations Analytics - Log Analysis or from any external source and present that data in a useful format such as a chart.

A Custom Search Dashboard must include a script to generate data, any parameters required by the script, and a specification to define how that data is displayed. There are two types of output that are generated by Custom Search Dashboards:
Dashboard data
Create a IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis dashboard to display charts based on the data generated by a Custom Search Dashboard. You can also use a dashboard to display HTML content.
Search filters
Generate keywords and populate Configured Patterns widget to drill down through a search.

When using the Insight Pack tooling in Eclipse, there is a folder called src-files/unity_apps in the Insight Pack project, specifically for Custom Search Dashboard files. There are sub folders for apps, chartspecs, and templates to contain application definitions, chart specifications, and template definitions, respectively.