IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            

FileNet Deployment Manager command-line reference

Use the command-line arguments to complete tasks from the FileNet® Deployment Manager command-line interface. These tasks include starting the graphical user interface, checking the FileNet Deployment Manager version, creating the sample files, and completing a number of deployment operations.

Starting the command-line interface

You must start the FileNet Deployment Manager command-line interface by including one of the command-line arguments in the start command. If you start FileNet Deployment Manager without specifying any arguments, the FileNet Deployment Manager graphical user interface opens.

For example, if you choose to use the --help argument, you would use the following steps to start the FileNet Deployment Manager command-line interface:
  1. From a command prompt window, navigate to the directory where FileNet Deployment Manager is installed. By default, FileNet Deployment Manager is installed in the following directory: C:\Program Files\IBM\FileNet\ContentEngine\tools\deploy
  2. Enter the following command: DeploymentManager.exe --help
Important: For more information about how to capture the command-line output in Windows, see Windows only restrictions for command-line interface output.

Windows only restrictions for command-line interface output

When started from a command prompt window in the Windows operating system, FileNet Deployment Manager does not automatically write its output to the window.

You can specify the file name to write the output to a file, or you can use the DeploymentManagerCmd.bat file to write the output to the command prompt window. For example, to place the help information in a help.txt file, enter the following command:

DeploymentManager.exe --help >help.txt

Enter the following command to have the help text display in the command prompt window:

DeploymentManagerCmd.bat --help

Command-line arguments

The following table shows the command-line arguments for FileNet Deployment Manager.
Restriction: The arguments cannot be used in combination with each other, except for --operation, --password, and --password2.
Tip: If you start FileNet Deployment Manager without specifying any options or arguments, the FileNet Deployment Manager graphical user interface opens.
Argument Description
-h, --help

Displays help information for the command-line arguments.


Windows: DeploymentManagerCmd.bat --help

Linux: DeploymentManager --help

-v, --version

Displays version information for FileNet Deployment Manager.


Windows: DeploymentManagerCmd.bat --version

Linux: DeploymentManager --version

-s, --samples Creates a subfolder named Samples in the current folder and creates sample XML files. If the subfolder exists, it must be empty in order for the sample XML files to be generated.
The sample files include the following types of files:
Data map
Data map files pair source data with destination data. The data can be object store or security principal data. For example, an object store data map might pair source object store A with destination object store B. Data maps are used during asset conversion operations. For more information, see the --operation argument.
DeploymentOperation files control the type of operation that is performed. For more information, see the --operation argument.
EnvironmentConfig files define the configuration for an environment. This configuration consists of Content Platform Engine connection information, the deployment modules to use for a deployment operation, and the half map files that are created for the environment.
Half map
Half map files contain data, such as object store or security principal information, for an environment. The half map files are used for creating data map files.
PairConfig files identify the source and destination environments for a deployment operation. In addition, the PairConfig files indicate which data map files to use (object store, principal, or both).

For more information about these files, see Deployment files. For information about the XML schema for the DeploymentOperation, data map, and half map files, see Deployment configuration files.

-g, --gui

Starts FileNet Deployment Manager with the graphical user interface (GUI) displayed.

If you start FileNet Deployment Manager without specifying any options or arguments, the --gui option is assumed and the FileNet Deployment Manager graphical user interface opens.

DeploymentManager.exe --gui
-o, --operation custom_DeploymentOperation.xml Performs the operation that is specified by the DeploymentOperation file (identified by file). The operations are described in Deployment operation files. The following operations are available:


Windows: DeploymentManager.exe -o custom_DeploymentOperation.xml -p bird123

Linux: DeploymentManager -o custom_DeploymentOperation.xml -p bird123

-p, --password password Specifies the password to use with the --operation argument when you retrieve information from, or send information to, Content Platform Engine.
A password is required for the following operations:
  • ExportDeployDataSet *2
  • ImportDeployDataSet *1
  • CreateEnvironment (when you test a connection) *3
  • ReassignObjectStore (requires a second password) *1
  • RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDomain *3
  • RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDomain *3
  • AnalyzeDeployDataSet *2
  1. Specify the password for the source environment.
  2. Specify the password for the destination environment.
  3. Specify the password for either the source or the destination environment.
-w, --password2 password2 Used by the reassign object store operation only. This password is the password that FileNet Deployment Manager uses to log on to the destination domain.

Command-line interface logging

Messages from the command-line interface are written to the log file. For more information about the log file location and logging configuration and usage, see FileNet Deployment Manager log files.

Last updated: March 2016

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