Connecting to the VMware server

To initiating a cloud run, first, you must establish the connection to the vCenter server. On connecting to the server, you specify the properties of the workbench template such as data center, resource pool, and domain that hosts the virtual machine. If you connect to the vCenter server through the location template, you must also establish the connection through the Preferences window by following the instructions in this topic.

Before you begin


  1. Click Window > Preferences > Test > Performance Test Provisioning > VMware.
  2. In vCenter Server Connection, specify the server URL, login credentials, and click Connect. The server URL must end with the /sdk folder.


    URL -

    Username - administrator@vsphere.local

  3. Select the data center that hosts the workbench template. Example:

    Datacenter - mydatacenter

  4. In VMware Template, select the workbench template that you had downloaded and then specify the details such as resource pool, datastore, and domain. The values that you specify here can be different from the values that you specified in the Location Template.


    Template - mydatacenter/vm/Workbench_Template

    Resource pool - mydatacenter/host/Resources

    Data store - datastore1

  5. Click OK.

What to do next

If you have already created the location template, you can now run the cloud schedule. See Running a cloud schedule.
