Setting up the IMS Synchronous Request sample

The sample uses the DSPALLI transaction, which is an IMS sample transaction that is typically installed on an IMS system. Check with your system administrator that it is installed before you try to use this sample. To set up the sample, perform the following steps:

  1. Import and deploy the sample. The following directories are added to the workspace:
  2. By default, this sample deploys the following objects to the IMSSyncRequestSampleExecutionGroup execution group:
  3. The sample contains preset connection details and security credentials to connect to the local host on port 9999 with a blank user name and password. You must replace these values with the connection details for an IMS system that has IMS Connect running. The following values are required and must be changed in the BAR file for the sample:
  4. To change the connection details and security credentials, complete the following steps:
    1. Create a security identity for IMS on the default integration node (which was created in step 1):
      mqsistop IB9NODE
      mqsisetdbparms IB9NODE -n ims::ims_sample_user -u <valid user name> -p <password for user>
      mqsistart IB9NODE
    2. Open the BAR file in the IMSSyncRequestSampleFlowProject project and change the IMSRequest node properties to the correct values for your system (circled in red in the following diagram): BAR file properties

    3. Redeploy the BAR file to the IMSSyncRequestSampleExecutionGroup execution group.

You can now run the sample, see Running the IMS Synchronous Request sample.

For an overview of how these nodes work and are configured, see IBM Information Management System (IMS) in the IBM Integration Bus documentation.

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