Running the .NETInput node for MSMQ sample

If you encounter any problems when you run the sample, see Resolving problems when running samples in the IBM Integration Bus Information Center.

Running the sample

To run the sample, testing the top branch of the flow:

  1. In the Application Development view, expand the Application called DotNetInputApplication, and open the Flow Test called DotNetInputApplication.mbtest.
  2. Click Send Message. A message is sent to the DOTNET.INPUT.IN queue.
  3. The flow processes the message and an output message is put on the DOTNET.INPUT.OUT queue.
  4. The editor displays the received message. Compare the received message with the expected output message.

Expected output message

When testing the message flow with the TestInputAddress1.bin message, the output message for the sample has the following format:

444.NET Street for 444                               .NET City for 444
                                 .NET County for 444                               ABC444DEE
555.NET Street for 555                               .NET City for 555
                                 .NET County for 555                               ABC555DEE
666.NET Street for 666                               .NET City for 666
                                 .NET County for 666                               ABC666DEE
777.NET Street for 777                               .NET City for 777
                                 .NET County for 777                               ABC777DEE
888.NET Street for 888                               .NET City for 888
                                 .NET County for 888                               ABC888DEE

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