Setting up the WildcardMatch sample

When you configure a FileInput or FileOutput node, you must set the directory from which you want to read or write files. In the nodes you can set an absolute path or a relative path. If you set a relative path, you must set the directory root for the integration node. You can set the directory root by setting the environment variable MQSI_FILENODES_ROOT_DIRECTORY.

The root directory in this sample is:

Note: You can choose a different root directory and set the environment variable MQSI_FILENODES_ROOT_DIRECTORY to this directory instead.

In the FileWildcardMatchSampleFlow message flow that is used in the sample, the FileInput and FileOutput nodes have different relative paths set.

In the FILE_WILDCARD_IN FileInput node, the Input Directory property is set to the to_hursley relative path.

In the FILE_WILDCARD_OUT FileOutput node, the Directory property is set to wrongdir relative path. The FILE_WILDCARD_OUT node uses the value set in $LocalEnvironment/Destination/File/Directory, which overrides the Directory property. The value of $LocalEnvironment/Destination/File/Directory is set to hursley in the FILE_WILDCARD_COMPUTE Compute node. The output relative path is therefore set to hursley

To set up the WildcardMatch sample:

  1. Create the following directories:
  2. Ensure that your default integration node has been created and is running.
  3. Set the MQSI_FILENODES_ROOT_DIRECTORY environment variable to the root directory.
    1. Follow the instructions at Setting up a command environment to create a command environment and a command file that contains the following line (ensuring that there is no white space around the equal (=) sign):
      • On Windows:
      • On Linux:
        export MQSI_FILENODES_ROOT_DIRECTORY="/tmp/MQSIFileInput"
    2. Stop and restart your integration node. See Starting and stopping a broker.

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