IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Starting user trace

Use user trace for debugging your applications; you can trace brokers, integration servers, and deployed message flows. Start user trace facilities using the mqsichangetrace command or the IBM® Integration Explorer.

Before you start:

Before you start to trace a broker, or one of its integration servers or message flows, the broker must be running, and you must have deployed the message flows by using the IBM Integration Explorer. Follow the instructions in the Packaging and deploying topic.

To start a user trace:
  1. Start IBM Integration Bus user trace facilities by using the mqsichangetrace command, or, for integration servers and assigned message flows, from the IBM Integration Explorer. You can select only one broker on each invocation of the command, but you can activate concurrent traces for more than one broker, by invoking the command more than once.
  2. Specify an individual integration server or message flow within the specified broker to limit the scope of a trace. The events that are recorded when you select the message flow option include:
    • Sending a message from one Message Processing node to the next
    • Evaluating expressions in a Compute or Filter node
  3. Start your trace. You can start trace at two levels:
    This tracks events that affect objects that you create and delete, such as nodes.
    This tracks the beginning and end of a process, as well as monitoring objects that are affected by that process.

Example: starting user trace for the default integration server

To start normal level user tracing for the default integration server on a broker that you have created with the name IB9NODE, on distributed systems, enter the command
mqsichangetrace IB9NODE -u -e default -l normal

-u specifies user trace
-e specifies the integration server (in this case, the default integration server)
-l specifies the level of trace (in this case, normal)

z/OS platformOn z/OS®, enter the command
F MQP1BRK,ct u=yes, e='default', l=normal

Example: starting user trace on all the message flows in the default integration server from the IBM Integration Explorer

To start normal level user tracing on all the message flows in the default integration server from the IBM Integration Explorer:

  1. In the Navigator view, expand the Integration Nodes folder and right-click the integration server with which you want to work.
  2. Click User Trace All Flows > Normal

Example: starting user trace for a message flow from the IBM Integration Explorer

To start normal level user tracing for one of your message flows from the IBM Integration Explorer:

  1. In the Navigator view, expand the Integration Nodes folder and right-click the message flow with which you want to work.
  2. Click User Trace > Normal

An alert saying Message Flow is tracing at level 'normal' is displayed in the Alert Viewer.

au14230_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017