IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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Configuring monitoring event sources using a monitoring profile

You can create a monitoring profile and use the mqsichangeflowmonitoring command to configure your message flows to emit monitoring events.

Before you start:
Read the following topics: You must have a message flow that contains a node to which you want to add a monitoring event.

You can use XPath 1.0 expressions to configure a monitoring event.

Creating a monitoring profile

First create a monitoring profile XML file. This is a file that lists the event sources in the message flow that will emit events, and defines the properties of each event.
Follow the guidance at Monitoring profile to create your monitoring profile XML file.

Applying a monitoring profile

When you have created a monitoring profile XML file, follow these steps to apply it.
  1. Use the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command to create a configurable service for the monitoring profile. In the following command example, replace myBroker with the name of your broker, and myMonitoringProfile with the name of your monitoring profile.
    mqsicreateconfigurableservice myBroker -c MonitoringProfiles 
         -o myMonitoringProfile
  2. Use the mqsichangeproperties command to associate your monitoring profile XML file with the configurable service. In the following command example, replace myBroker with the name of your broker, myMonitoringProfile with the name of your monitoring profile, and myMonitoringProfile.xml with the name of the monitoring profile XML file.
    mqsichangeproperties myBroker -c MonitoringProfiles -o myMonitoringProfile 
         -n profileProperties -p myMonitoringProfile.xml

    Set the useParserNameInMonitoringPayload property to TRUE to force the wmb:applicationData/wmb:complexContent/wmb:elementName attribute to hold the name of the input node parser, if present. See MonitoringProfiles configurable service for details.

    mqsichangeproperties myBroker -c MonitoringProfiles -o myMonitoringProfile 
         -n useParserNameInMonitoringPayload -v TRUE
  3. Use the mqsichangeflowmonitoring command to apply a monitoring profile configurable service to one or more message flows.
    • Apply a monitoring profile to a single message flow messageflow1 in integration server IS1:
      mqsichangeflowmonitoring myBroker -e IS1 
           -f messageflow1 -m myMonitoringProfile
    • Apply a monitoring profile to all message flows in all integration servers:
      mqsichangeflowmonitoring myBroker -g -j -m myMonitoringProfile
    Monitoring for the flow is inactive; applying the monitoring profile does not activate it.
  4. Alternatively, use the broker archive editor to apply a monitoring profile configurable service to one or more message flows, by setting message flow property Monitoring Profile Name.
    1. In the IBM® Integration Toolkit, switch to the Integration Development perspective.
    2. In the Application Development view, right-click the BAR file, then click Open with > Broker Archive Editor.
    3. Click the Manage and Configure tab.
    4. Click the message flow on which you want to set the monitoring profile configurable service. The properties that you can configure for the message flow are displayed in the Properties view.
    5. In the Monitoring Profile Name field, enter the name of a monitoring profile.
    6. Save the BAR file.
    7. Deploy the BAR file.
    Monitoring for the flow is inactive; deploying the BAR file does not activate it.
  5. Activate monitoring for the flow using the mqsichangeflowmonitoring -c command.
    • Activate monitoring for a single message flow messageflow1 in integration server IS1:
      mqsichangeflowmonitoring myBroker -e IS1 
           -f messageflow1 -c active
    • Activate monitoring for all message flows in all integration servers:
      mqsichangeflowmonitoring myBroker -g -j -c active

Updating a monitoring profile

  1. Follow the guidance at Monitoring profile to update your monitoring profile XML file.
  2. Use the mqsichangeproperties command to update the configurable service to use the new XML file. For example:
    mqsichangeproperties myBroker -c MonitoringProfiles -o myMonitoringProfile 
         -n profileProperties -p myMonitoringProfile.xml
  3. You must stop and start the integration server for the changes of property values to take effect.

ac60385_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017