IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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User trace entries for message flow accounting and statistics data

Certain information is written to the user trace log for message flow accounting and statistics data.

The data records are identified by the following message numbers:

The inserts for each message are described in the following tables.

This table describes the inserts in message BIP2380I. One message is written for the message flow.

Field Data type Details
ProcessID Numeric Process ID
Key Numeric Key that is used to associate related accounting and statistics BIP messages
Type Character Type of output, one of:
  • Archive
  • Snapshot
Reason Character Reason for output, one of:
  • MajorInterval
  • Snapshot
  • Shutdown
  • ReDeploy
  • StatsSettingsModified
BrokerLabel Character (maximum 32) Broker name
BrokerUUID Character (maximum 32) Broker universal unique identifier
ExecutionGroupName Character (maximum 32) Integration server name
ExecutionGroupUUID Character (maximum 32) Integration server universal unique identifier
MessageFlowName Character (maximum 32) Message flow name
StartDate Character Interval start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
StartTime Character Interval start time (HH:MM:SS:NNNNNN)
EndDate Character Interval end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
EndTime Character Interval end time (HH:MM:SS:NNNNNN)
TotalElapsedTime Numeric Total elapsed time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
MaximumElapsedTime Numeric Maximum elapsed time that is spent processing an input message (microseconds)
MinimumElapsedTime Numeric Minimum elapsed time that is spent processing an input message (microseconds)
TotalCPUTime Numeric Total processor time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
MaximumCPUTime Numeric Maximum processor time that is spent processing an input message (microseconds)
MinimumCPUTime Numeric Minimum processor time that is spent processing an input message (microseconds)
CPUTimeWaitingForInputMessage Numeric Total processor time spent waiting for input messages (microseconds)
ElapsedTimeWaitingForInputMessage Numeric Total elapsed time that is spent waiting for input messages (microseconds)
TotalInputMessages Numeric Total number of messages processed

TotalInputMessages records only those messages that are propagated from input node terminals.

TotalSizeOfInputMessages Numeric Total size of input messages (bytes)
MaximumSizeOfInputMessages Numeric Maximum input message size (bytes)
MinimumSizeOfInputMessages Numeric Minimum input message size (bytes)
NumberOfThreadsInPool Numeric Number of threads in pool
TimesMaximumNumberofThreadsReached Numeric Number of times the maximum number of threads is reached
TotalNumberOfMQErrors Numeric Number of MQGET errors (MQInput node) or web services errors (HTTPInput node)

For example, a conversion error occurs when the message is got from the queue.

TotalNumberOfMessagesWithErrors Numeric Number of messages that contain errors

These errors include exceptions that are thrown downstream of the input node, and errors that are detected by the input node after it successfully retrieves the message from the queue (for example, a format error).

TotalNumberOfMessagesWithErrors can include messages that are not included in TotalInputMessages.

TotalNumberOfErrorsProcessingMessages Numeric Number of errors while processing a message
TotalNumberOfTimeOutsWaitingForRepliesToAggregateMessages Numeric Number of timeouts while processing a message (AggregateReply node only)
TotalNumberOfCommits Numeric Number of transaction commits
TotalNumberOfBackouts Numeric Number of transaction backouts
AccountingOrigin Character (maximum 32) Accounting origin

The following table describes the inserts in message BIP2381I. One message is written for each thread.

Field Data type Details
ProcessID Numeric Process ID
Key Numeric Key that is used to associate related accounting and statistics BIP messages
Number Numeric Relative thread number in pool
TotalNumberOfInputMessages Numeric Total number of messages that are processed by a thread
TotalElapsedTime Numeric Total elapsed time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
TotalCUPTime Numeric Total processor time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
CPUTimeWaitingForInputMessage Numeric Total processor time spent waiting for input messages (microseconds)
ElapsedTimeWaitingForInputMessage Numeric Total elapsed time that is spent waiting for input messages (microseconds)
TotalSizeOfInputMessages Numeric Total size of input messages (bytes)
MaximumSizeOfInputMessages Numeric Maximum size of input messages (bytes)
MinimumSizeOfInputMessages Numeric Minimum size of input messages (bytes)

The following table describes the inserts in message BIP2382I. One message is written for each node.

Field Data type Details
ProcessID Numeric Process ID
Key Numeric Key that is used to associate related accounting and statistics BIP messages
Label Character Name of node (Label)
Type Character Type of node
TotalElapsedTime Numeric Total elapsed time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
MaximumElapsedTime Numeric Maximum elapsed time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
MinimumElapsedTime Numeric Minimum elapsed time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
TotalCPUTime Numeric Total processor time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
MaximumCPUTime Numeric Maximum processor time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
MinimumCPUTime Numeric Minimum processor time spent processing input messages (microseconds)
CountOfInvocations Numeric Total number of messages that are processed by this node
NumberOfInputTerminals Numeric Number of input terminals
NumberOfOutputTerminals Numeric Number of output terminals

The following table describes the inserts in message BIP2383I. One message is written for each terminal on each node.

Field Data type Details
ProcessID Numeric Process ID
Key Numeric Key that is used to associate related accounting and statistics BIP messages
Label Character Name of terminal
Type Character Type of terminal, one of:
  • Input
  • Output
CountOfInvocations Numeric Total number of invocations

ac19030_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017