mqsichangepolicy command

Use the mqsichangepolicy command to change an existing operational policy.

Sample policy

A sample workload management policy XML file is provided at the following location:
  • Windows platforminstall_dir\server\sample\Policy\WorkloadManagement_Policy.xml
  • Linux platforminstall_dir/server/sample/Policy/WorkloadManagement_Policy.xml
For more policy document examples see the following topics:


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsichangepolicy integrationNodeSpec  -f  policyDocument -l  policyName -t policyType
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram integrationNodeName  -n integrationNodeFileName -i ipAddress -p port -i ipAddress -p port


(Required) You must specify at least one parameter to identify the target integration node for this command, in one of the following forms:
This parameter identifies the name of a specified integration node. To connect to a remote integration node, you must also specify -i and -p.
-n integrationNodeFileName
This parameter identifies the name of a .broker file that contains the connection details for a local or remote integration node. Include the location (path) and file name when you specify this parameter. You must ensure that the location is accessible when you run this command.

Use this option if multiple users want to connect to the same integration node, or if you are using advanced connection parameters such as SSL. To learn more about creating and using a .broker file, see Connecting to an integration node by creating a .broker file.

If you want to run a command that uses SSL to administer a remote integration node over a secured channel, you must specify the keystore and truststore password for the connection that is using the IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. For more information, see Resolving problems when running commands.

-i ipAddress, -p port
These parameters identify the connection details for the integration node.

Use this option for connections to remote integration nodes that do not require advanced connection parameters.

If you are connecting to a remote integration node, you can additionally prefix integrationNodeName to explicitly set which integration node to connect to. You cannot use -n integrationNodeFileName in the same command.

Parameters that you omit assume default values:

  • -i ipAddress: The host name or IP address of the computer on which the integration node is running. If you do not specify this parameter, a value that represents the local computer is used.

    If you want to connect to a secured integration server as a specific user, provide the security credentials as a URI in the following format: tcp://user:password@hostname. If your password contains URI Reserved characters, you must convert these characters to the percent-encoded format. For more information, see A correct URL and password returns error BIP1939 when you attempt to connect to a remote host name in Resolving problems when running commands.

  • -p port: The port on which the web user interface HTTP connection listener is listening. If you do not specify this parameter, the value 4414 is used.
-f policyDocument
The file that contains the policy document.
-l policyName
The name of the policy to change.
-t policyType
The type of policy to change. The valid options are: DataCapture, MQEndpoint, MQTTPublish, MQTTSubscribe, and WorkloadManagement.


Update the MQEndpoint policy named QMGR4 for integration node IBNODE so that it contains the contents of the file QMGR4Policy.xml:
mqsichangepolicy IBNODE -t MQEndpoint -l QMGR4 -f QMGR4Policy.xml
Update the default DataCapture policy with the properties that are specified in the DataCapturePolicyDocument.xml file:
mqsichangepolicy IBNODE -t DataCapture -l default -f DataCapturePolicyDocument.xml