Parameter values for the JSON parser

You can set JSON parser properties at the integration server level.

To change the properties for the JSON parser, run the mqsichangeproperties command and specify the integration node name and integration server name, and the properties and values that you want to set by using the -n and -v parameters. You must set the component (by using the -o parameter) to ComIbmJSONParserFactory. For example:
mqsichangeproperties integrationNodeName -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmJSONParserFactory -n property_name -v property_value

You can change the following property and values for the JSON parser:

-n escapeMode -v value
Specifies whether the JSON parser escapes forward slash characters when it is serializing a message tree. This value must be set to either preserveForwardSlashes or strict.
By default, the JSON parser escapes forward slash characters. Values such as http://myURI appear as http:\/\/myURI in the output bit stream.
To specify that the JSON parser must leave forward slashes unchanged in the output, set the value to preserveForwardSlashes.
You can re-enable the default behavior by setting the value to strict.
For example, the following command specifies that forward slash characters are left unchanged in the output:
mqsichangeproperties integrationNodeName -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmJSONParserFactory -n escapeMode -v preserveForwardSlashes