Integration node registry object parameter values

Select the names of the properties and values that you want to change for the integration node registry object.

To change these properties, you must specify the integration node name and the ObjectName BrokerRegistry. You do not have to specify -b, -c, or -e to change properties associated with this object.

The following properties and values are valid:

-n brokerKeystorePass
The password used to access the server certificate from the specified keystore file.

Set the password by using mqsisetdbparms when the integration node is stopped.

  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - brokerKeystore::password
-n brokerKeystoreFile
The path to the keystore file where the server certificate, which is to be loaded, has been stored. The HTTP listener expects a file with the default name .keystore in the home directory of the user who started the integration node.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - default value (described previously)
-n brokerKeystoreType
The type of keystore file to be used for the server certificate.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - JKS
-n brokerTruststorePass
The password used to access the server certificate from the specified keystore file.

Set the password by using mqsisetdbparms when the integration node is stopped.

  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - brokerKeystore::password
-n brokerTruststoreFile
The path to the keystore file where the server certificate, which is to be loaded, has been stored. The HTTP listener expects a file with the default name .keystore in the home directory of the user who started the integration node.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - default value (described previously)
-n brokerTruststoreType
The type of keystore file to be used for the server certificate.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - JKS
-n dataCapturePolicyUri
The DataCapture policy to be used for recording and viewing data for business transaction monitoring.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - /apiv1/policy/DataCapture/default
-n httpConnectorPortRange
The numeric range of ports available to the HTTPConnector object that is associated with SOAP nodes.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 7800-7842
-n httpsConnectorPortRange
The numeric range of ports available to the HTTPSConnector object that is associated with SOAP nodes.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 7843-7884
-n mqCCDT
The path to the WebSphere® MQ CCDT file that contains connection details to a queue manager.

Specify a path to a CCDT file when you have specified its use on an MQInput, MQOutput, MQGet, or MQReply node. By default, this value is not set.

  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - not set
When you have set the mqCCDT property, restart the integration node for the changes to take effect.
-n mqKeyRepository
The path to the SSL key repository location.

Specify a path to an SSL key repository file path, minus the .kdb file extension, when you have specified its use on an MQInput

, MQOutput, MQGet, or MQReply node. By default, this value is not set.

Use the MQSC REFRESH SECURITY command to pick up the changes to the SSL key repository.

  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - not set

See the mqsichangeproperties command for examples of how to change BrokerRegistry parameters. Other examples are provided for particular tasks: