
An error was encountered during virtual storage access method (VSAM) open, close, or action request processing, as indicated in the text of the message. In the message text:
The meaning of RPLFDBWD, the RPL Feedback Word. For detailed information on the RPL Feedback Word, see z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets.
The return code, which varies depending on the type of error that occurred.
Note: See z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. for more information on the return codes. Additional return codes are listed under reason codes.
For a CLOSE Error:
The data set indicated by the access-method control block is already closed.
A request was cancelled from a use JRNAD Exit.
Index search horizontal chain pointer loop encountered.
TCLOSE was issued against a media manager's structure.
An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while VSAM was reading the job file control block (JFCB).
Not enough virtual storage was available in the program's address space for a work area for CLOSE.
An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while VSAM was reading or writing a catalog record.
An uncorrectable error occurred in the VSAM volume data set (VVDS).
An unidentified error occurred while VSAM was searching the catalog.
A VSAM catalog specified in the JCL either does not exist or is not open, and no record for the data set to be closed was found in any other catalog.
The SMSVSAM address space is not available.
An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while VSAM was completing outstanding I/O requests.
A permanent destaging error occurred in the Mass Storage System (RELINQUISH). With temporary CLOSE, destaging error or a staging error (ACQUIRE) occurred.
The compression management services (CMS) close function failed.
For an OPEN Error:
When register 15 contains 0, no error. When register 15 contains 8, one of the following conditions exists:
  1. VSAM is processing the access-method control block for some other request.
  2. The access-method control block is already open.
  3. DDNAME was not specified correctly in the access-method control block.
  4. The access-method control block address is incorrect.
The data set indicated by the access-method control block is already open.
Warning message: NON-RLS open for input and RLS sphere is in "Retain/Lost Locks" status.
Attention message: The interrupt recognition flag (IRF) was detected for a data set opened for input processing.
A previous extend error has occurred during EOV processing of the data set.
Attention message: Inconsistent use of CBUF processing. Sharing options differ between index and data components.
Attention message: an unusable data set was opened for input.
Attention message: OPEN encountered an empty alternate index that is part of an upgrade set.
Attention message: the time stamp of the volume on which a data set is stored doesn't match the system time stamp in the volume record in the catalog; this indicates that extent information in the catalog record may not agree with the extents indicated in the volume's VTOC.
Attention message: the time stamps of a data component and an index component do not match; this indicates that either the data or the index has been updated separately from the other. Check for possible duplicate VVRs.
Attention message: JRNAD exit was not specified on the first ACB opened for the data set. Processing continues without journaling.
Attention message: the data set was not properly closed or was not opened. If the data set was not properly closed, then data may be lost if processing continues. Use the access method services VERIFY command to attempt to close the data set properly. See z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands for a description of the VERIFY command. In a cross-system shared DASD environment, a return code of 116 can have two meanings:
  • The data set was not properly closed.
  • The data set is opened for output on another processor.
Note: If you use the VERIFY command, this message can appear again when VERIFY processing opens the data set. If VERIFY processing then successfully closes the data set, VERIFY processing issues condition code 0 at the end of its processing. In addition, an empty cluster cannot be verified.
Attention message: The data set was not properly closed but OPEN's implicit verify was successfully processed.
DD statement for this access method control block is missing or incorrect.
An error was detected by VSAM for a media manager CONNECT.
One of the following errors occurred:
  • Not enough storage was available for work areas.
  • The required volume could not be mounted.
  • An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while VSAM was reading the job file control block (JFCB).
  • The format-1 DSCB or the catalog cluster record is incorrect.
  • The user-supplied catalog name does not match the name on the entry.
  • The user is not authorized to open the catalog as a catalog.
Delete Volume processing for RESET(MACRF=RST) failed during open. The DDNAME needs to be freed and re-allocated to the data set.
Invalid UCB address for UCB address conversion.
Not enough virtual-storage space is available in the program's address space for work areas, control blocks, or buffers.
A 24-bit UCB address is required for Volume Mount but a 31-bit UCB address was passed.
The catalog indicates this data set has an incorrect physical record size.
An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while VSAM was reading or writing a catalog record.
An uncorrectable error occurred in the VSAM volume data set (VVDS).
No record for the data set to be opened was found in the available catalog(s), or an unidentified error occurred while VSAM was searching the catalog.
Security verification failed; the password specified in the access-method control block for a specified level of access doesn't match the password in the catalog for that level of access; user is not authorized to access this file.
The operands specified in the ACB or GENCB macro are inconsistent with each other or with the information in the catalog record. This error can also occur when the VSAM cluster being opened is empty.

Improved control interval processing (ICIP) was specified for an extended format data set will also result in this error.

For more information on this return code, see z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis.

An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while VSAM was reading the volume label.
The data set is not available for the type of processing specified, or an attempt was made to open a reusable data set with the reset option while another user had the data set open.
An error occurred while VSAM was attempting to fix a page of virtual storage in central storage.
A VSAM catalog specified in JCL either does not exist or is not open, and no record for the data set to be opened was found in any other catalog.
The SMSVASM address space is not available.
An uncorrectable I/O error occurred while VSAM was completing an I/O request.
The data set indicated by the access-method control block is not of the type that may be specified by an access-method control block.
An incorrect high-allocated RBA was found in the catalog entry for this data set. The catalog entry is bad and will have to be restored.
An unusable data set was opened for output.
The interrupt recognition flag (IRF) was detected for a data set opened for output processing.
Direct access of a compressed data component is not allowed.
An attempt was made to open a VSAM Extended Addressable data set on a release other than DFSMS/MVS 1.30.
Access to data was requested through an empty path.
Volume is unusable.
The ACB MACRF specification is GSR and caller is not operating in supervisor protect key 0 to 7, or the ACB MACRF specification is CBIC (control blocks in common) and caller is not operating in supervisor state with protect key 0 to 7.
The ACBCATX option or VSAM Volume data set OPEN was specified and the calling program was not authorized.
The ACB MACRF specification is GSR and caller is using a VS1 system.
An internal logic error has occurred during the OPEN. Further information may be provided in message IEC161I in the joblog for the failing job. Use the information in that message to determine the specific cause of the OPEN failure
The ACB MACRF specification is GSR or LSR and the data set requires create processing.
The ACB MACRF specification is GSR or LSR and the key length of the data set exceeds the maximum key length specified in BLDVRP.
The ACB MACRF specification is GSR or LSR and the data set's control interval size exceeds the size of the largest buffer specified in BLDVRP.
Improved control interval processing is specified and the data set requires create mode processing.
The ACB MACRF specification is GSR or LSR and the VSAM shared resource table (VSRT) does not exist (no buffer pool is available).
Reset (ACB MACRF=RST) was specified for a nonreusable data set and the data set is not empty.
Indicates a stage or destage error.
Format-4 DSCB and catalog time stamp verification failed during volume mount processing for output processing.
The volume containing the catalog recovery area was not mounted and verified for output processing.
The ESCON channel is required to process an extended format data set.
The compression management services (CMS) open function failed.
For a Logical I/O Error:
End of data set encountered (during sequential retrieval), or the search argument is greater than the high key of the data set. Either no EODAD routine is provided, or one is provided and it returned to VSAM and the processing program issued another GET.
You attempted to store a record with a duplicate key, or there is a duplicate record for an alternate index with the unique key option.
You attempted to store a record out of ascending key sequence in skip-sequential mode; record had a duplicate key; for skip-sequential processing, your GET, PUT, and POINT requests are not referencing records in ascending sequence; or, for skip-sequential retrieval, the key requested is lower than the previous key requested. For shared resources, buffer pool is full.
Record not found.
Record already held in exclusive control by another requester.
Record resides on a volume that cannot be mounted.
Data set cannot be extended because VSAM cannot allocate additional direct-access storage space. Either there is not enough space left to make the secondary allocation request, you attempted to increase the size of a data set while processing with SHROPT=4 and DISP=SHR, or the index CI is not large enough to hold the entire CA. This error could also be due to a data set trying to extend beyond 4GB on a system that does not support extended addressability.
An RBA specified that does not give the address of any data record in the data set.
Key ranges were specified for the data set when it was defined, but no range was specified that includes the record to be inserted.
Insufficient virtual storage in the user's address space to complete the request.
Work area not large enough for the data record (GET with OPTCD=MVE).
At the beginning of CI or CA split for backup while open (BWO), an error was detected in catalog update processing.
As many requests are active as the number specified in the STRNO parameter of the ACB macro; therefore, another request cannot be activated.
An attempt was made to use a type of processing (output or control-interval) that was not specified when the data set was opened.
You made a keyed request for access to an entry-sequenced data set, or you issued a GETIX or PUTIX to an entry-sequenced or relative record data set.
You issued an addressed or control-interval PUT to add to a key-sequenced data set, or you issued a control-interval PUT to a relative record data set.
You issued an ERASE request for access to an entry-sequenced data set, or you issued an ERASE request for access to an entry-sequenced data set via a path.
OPTCD=LOC specified for a PUT request or in a request parameter list in a chain of request parameter lists.
You issued a sequential GET request without having caused VSAM to be positioned for it, or you changed from addressed access to keyed access without causing VSAM to be positioned for keyed-sequential retrieval; there was no positioning established for sequential PUT insert for a relative record data set, or you attempted an incorrect switch between forward and backward processing.
You issued a PUT for update or an ERASE without a previous GET for update or a PUTIX without a previous GETIX.
An attempt was made to change the prime key or key of reference while making an update.
An attempt was made to change the length of a record while making an addressed update.
The RPL options are either incorrect or conflicting in one of the following ways:
  1. SKP was specified and either KEY was not specified or BWD was specified.
  2. BWD was specified for CNV processing.
  3. FWD and LRD were specified.
  4. Neither ADR, CNV, nor KEY was specified in the RPL.
  5. WRTBFR, MRKBFR, or SCHBER was issued was issued, but either TRANSID was greater than 31 or the shared resource option was not specified.
  6. ICI processing was specified, but a request other than a GET or a PUT was issued.
  7. MRKBFR MARK=OUT or MARK=RLS was issued, but the RPL did not have a data buffer associated with it.
  8. The RPL specified WAITX, but the ACB did not specify LSR or GSR.
The RECLEN specified was larger than the maximum allowed, equal to 0, or smaller than the sum of the length and the displacement of the key field of the base cluster or related alternate index (AIX®). The RECLEN was not equal to the slot size specified for a relative record data set.
KEYLEN specified was too large or equal to 0.
During initial data set loading (that is, when records are being stored in the data set the first time it's opened), GET, POINT, ERASE, direct PUT, and skip-sequential PUT with OPTCD=UPD are not allowed. During initial data set loading, VERIFY is not allowed except for an entry-sequenced data set (ESDS) defined with the RECOVERY option. For initial loading of a relative record data set, the request was other than a PUT insert.
The request was operating under an incorrect TCB. For example, an end-of-volume call or a GETMAIN would have been necessary to complete the request, but the request was issued from a job step other than the one that opened the data set. The request can be resubmitted from the correct task if the new request reestablishes positioning.
A request was cancelled for a user JRNAD exit.
A loop exists in the index horizontal pointer chain during index search processing.
An attempt was made in locate mode to retrieve a spanned record.
You attempted an addressed GET of a spanned record in a key-sequenced data set.
Inconsistent spanned record.
Incorrect pointer (no associated base record) in an alternate index.
The maximum number of pointers in the alternate index has been exceeded.
Not enough buffers are available to process your request (shared resources only).
An addressed GET UPD request failed because the control interval flag was on, or an incorrect control interval was detected during keyed processing. In the latter case, the control interval is incorrect for one of the following reasons:
  1. A key is not greater than the previous key.
  2. A key is not in the current control interval.
  3. A spanned record RDF is present.
  4. A free space pointer is incorrect.
  5. The number of records does not match a group RDF record count.
  6. A record definition field is incorrect.
  7. An index CI format is incorrect.
One or more candidates were found with a modified buffer marked to be written. The buffer was left in write status with valid contents. With this condition, it is possible to have other buffers invalidated or found under exclusive control.
Incorrect relative record number.
You issued an addressed request to a relative record data set.
You attempted addressed or control-interval access through a path.
PUT insert requests are not allowed in backward mode.
The user has issued an ENDREQ macro instruction against an RPL that has an outstanding WAIT against the ECB associated with the RPL. This can occur when an ENDREQ is issued from a STAE or ESTAE routine against an RPL that was started before the ABEND. No ENDREQ processing has been done.
Unable to split index; increase index CI size.
Incorrect parameter list passed to SVC 109 by ACQRANGE, CNVTAD, and MNTACQ macros (return code = 36).
Incorrect AMBL detected by SVC 109 called by ACQRANGE, CNVTAD, and MNTACQ macros (return code = 40).
Unrecognizable return code from SVC 109.
MRKBFR OUT was issued for a buffer with incorrect contents.
Caller in cross-memory mode is not in supervisor state or RPL of caller in SRB or cross-memory mode does not specify SYN processing.
The record length changed during decompression processing of a compressed data set.
UPAD error. ECB was not posted by user in cross-memory mode.
Validity check error for SHAREOPTIONS 3 or 4.
For shared resources, one of the following is being performed:
  1. An attempt is being made to obtain a buffer in exclusive control.
  2. A buffer is being invalidated.
  3. The buffer use chain is changing.
For more detailed feedback, reissue the request.
Register 14 stack size is not large enough.
A severe error was detected by the compression management services (CMS) during compression processing.
A severe error was detected by the compression management services (CMS) during decompression processing.
Register return offset went negative.
A valid dictionary token does not exist for the compressed data set. The data record cannot be decompressed.
Record mode processing is not allowed for a linear data set.
VERIFY is not a valid function for a linear data set.
I/O activity on the data set was not quiesced before the data set was closed.
Note: See z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets. for more information on the return codes. Additional return codes are listed under reason codes.

System action

The action depends on the function being processed. See the message in the program listing following this message.

System programmer response

If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM® Support Center. Provide the JCL and the SYSOUT output for the job.

Programmer response

Correct the cause of the error.


