CBRXTCF return codes

CBRXTCF is an internal macro used to manipulate the volume and tape records in the tape configuration database (TCDB). Table 1 describes the return codes.

Table 1. CBRXTCF Return Codes
Return Code Error Type Description
0 Successful Successful execution.
4 Request not executed For a tape library record retrieval, the requested library record is not present in the TCDB, or the TCDB does not exist. For a tape library record update, the requested tape library record is not present in the TCDB. For a tape library record insertion, a tape library record with the same tape library name is already present in the TCDB. For a tape volume record retrieval, end of data has been reached, or the TCDB does not exist. For a tape volume record update, the requested tape volume record is not present in the TCDB.
8 Parameter list error Parameter list invalid for requested function.
12 Environmental error The ISMF application has not established the proper environment before making a database access call. For example, TYPE(GETVOL) is requested before TYPE(OPENVOL).
16 Catalog authorization error The ISMF application does not have the RACF® authority to perform the requested function on the user catalog that contains the TCDB. The return code, module ID, and reason code from the catalog service routine are contained in the TCCB in fields TCCCTRET, TCCCTMOD, and TCCCTRSN, respectively.
20 Catalog access error The return code, module ID, and reason code from the catalog service routine are contained in the TCCB in fields TCCCTRET, TCCCTMOD, and TCCCTRSN, respectively.
24 An error was encountered when issuing the CBRXLCS macro to change the use attribute of a volume. For a tape volume record update request, the shelf location and volume owner information were updated in the TCDB, however, an error was encountered when CBRXLCS attempted to change the volume's use attribute. The CBRXLCS return code and reason code will be in the TCCB in fields TCCLCSRC and TCCLCSRS. To interpret these values, see the CBRXCLS FUNC(CUA) return and reason code section. If an error occurred when attempting to update the TCDB, the return code, module ID, and reason code from the catalog service routine are contained in the TCCB in fields TCCCTRET, TCCCTMOD, and TCCCTRSN, respectively.