Determining which data set might be damaged

If you have a dump resulting from an ABEND0C4 in load module IDA019L1, or a console dump of a wait or loop with the PSW pointing into load module IDA019L1, then you can find the data set name (DSN) in the area pointed to by register 3. In most cases, Register 3 points to the AMB, and the data component name appears at offset X'88' into the AMB.

If you suspect a wait or loop in record management and the registers do not point into load module IDA019L1 (indeed, the symptoms of the dump seem to indicate a problem external to record management, for example, CICS® waits), you can locate the AMB by using the RPL. Figure 1 shows how to do this:
Figure 1. VSAM Record Management—How to Find a Damaged Data Set
VSAM Record Management—How to Find a Damaged Data Set: RPL, ACB PTR (X'18) points to the ACB. AMBL PTR (X'04') points to the AMBL. DATA AMB PTR (X'34') and INDEX AMB PTR (X'38') point to the AMB, DATA COMPONENT NAME (X'88').
Note: Because of its dependency on design and implementation, the control block offsets may change in new product releases or versions as a result of service.

RLS has a different structure. The user's RPL at RPL+4 points to another RPL in the VSAM server address space. The ACB, AMBL, and AMB are all in the VSAM server address space.