WTO/WTP of critical messages

Besides attempting to display messages on SYSPRINT, IEBCOPY can issue messages as WTOs. ROUTCDE=11,DESC=(7) turns messages into a WTP and associates them with the job. WTPs are included in the job's system message data set, and sent (TPUT) to the TSO/E user if IEBCOPY is running under TSO/E and PROFILE WTP is set.

The following messages are always issued as WTPs:
IEB103I members inaccessible
IEB133I storage unavailable
IEB139I I/O error (obsolete)
IEB150I too many directory blocks on track
IEB157I DD statement not found
IEB1021I through IEB1023I I/O error
IEB1025E DD name list error
IEB1028I key 0 super state
IEB1099S not APF authorized
IEB1120D internal error nnn
These messages are issued as WTPs only when SYSPRINT fails to open:
IEB165I directory I/O error
IEB168I members unreachable
IEB169I directory truncated
IEB172I open failed
IEB1068W JCL/label conflict
IEB1069E JCL/label conflict
IEB1070W directory blocks for new sequential data set
IEB1071E PDS on magnetic tape
IEB1072W PDS lacks directory
IEB1073W sequential data set has directory blocks

About half of the remaining messages are also sent to a TSO/E user (by WTP) if IEBCOPY is invoked as a TSO command processor. (This does not happen when the TSO CALL command is used to invoke IEBCOPY.) Note that invocation of IEBCOPY as a TSO command without using the TSO CALL command is not supported.