Return code format

As Table 1 shows, the Compression Management Services return code is four bytes. The high-order three bytes are zero. The low-order byte contains the return code.

For example:

In the example, xx is the return code in hexadecimal format.

Table 1. Compression Management Services Return Code Format
Return Code Meaning Name
X'00000000' Successful RC_SUCC
X'00000004' Informational RC_INFO
X'00000008' Warning RC_WARN
X'0000000C' Parameter error RC_PARM
X'00000010' Caller error RC_CALR
X'00000014' Environmental error RC_ENVR
X'00000018' I/O error RC_IOER
X'0000001C' Media error RC_MEDE
X'00000020' Data set logical error RD_DSLE
X'00000024' System error RC_SEVE