Authorized Program Facility (APF)

An address space that calls IDCAMS to issue any of these commands must be APF authorized, or the command will terminate:
  • ALLOCATE command to allocate a data set.
  • DCOLLECT command.
  • DEFINE command, when the RECATALOG parameter is specified or when the define is for an alias of a catalog.
  • DELETE command, when the RECOVERY parameter is specified.
  • EXPORT command, when the object to be exported is a BCS.
  • IMPORT command, when the object to be imported is a BCS or the calling program supplied an auxiliary list (aux list) and the list includes a pointer to an ACERO. This would cause SMS to bypass ACS processing. This will result in the message IDC31658I INVALID AUTHORIZATION TO BYPASS ACS PROCESSING.
  • PRINT command, when the object to be printed is a catalog.
  • REPRO command, when a BCS is copied or merged. SHCDS command.
  • VERIFY command, when a BCS is to be verified.
For information on APF authorization with catalogs, see z/OS DFSMS Managing Catalogs. For information on using APF, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide.