Print a Key-Sequenced Cluster's Data Records: Example 3

In this example, the data records of a key-sequenced cluster, BRD.EXAMPLE.KSDS1, are printed in dump format. That is, each character of the record is printed in its hexadecimal and alphanumeric forms.
//PRINT1   JOB  ...
//SYSIN    DD   *
     PRINT -

The PRINT command prints data records of the key-sequenced cluster, BRD.EXAMPLE.KSDS1. Its parameter INDATASET, names the data set to be printed. Because neither FROMADDRESS, FROMKEY, SKIP, TOKEY, TOADDRESS, or COUNT is specified, access method services prints all the cluster's data records. Because neither HEX nor CHAR was specified, access method services prints each record in the DUMP format. An example of the printed record is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Example of the Printed Record in DUMP Format
KEY OF RECORD - 00F0F0F0F0F1C9E240C4C1405CC6C9
0000 00F0F0F0 F0F1C9E2 40C4C140 5CC6C9D3 C549C8F0 C6F8F05C 40F5F040 D9C5C3D6 *.000011S DA *FILE 10380* 50 RECD*
0020 D9C4E240 D6C640F6 F940C3C8 C1D9E240 E6C9E3C8 40D2C5E8 40C9D540 D7D6E240 *RDS OF 69 CHARS WITH KEY IN POS *
0040 F160F1F1 4B000000 00000000 00000000                                     *1-11............