Delete an Alias Entry in a Catalog: Example 9

In this example, an alias entry, EXAMPLE.NONVSAM1, is removed from catalog USERCAT4.
//DELET7    JOB   ...
//SYSIN     DD    *
     DELETE -
            EXAMPLE.NONVSAM1 -
            ALIAS -
The DELETE command removes an alias entry from catalog USERCAT4. Its parameters are:
  • EXAMPLE.NONVSAM1 is the entryname of the object to be deleted. EXAMPLE.NONVSAM1 identifies an alias entry.
  • ALIAS specifies the type of entry to be deleted. VSAM verifies that EXAMPLE.NONVSAM1 is an alias entry and then deletes it. If EXAMPLE.NONVSAM1 identifies another entry by mistake, VSAM does not delete the entry, but notes the discrepancy with a message to the programmer.
  • CATALOG identifies the catalog containing the entry, USERCAT4.