Define a Key-Sequenced Cluster and an Entry-Sequenced Cluster: Example 4

In this example, two VSAM clusters are defined. The first DEFINE command defines a key-sequenced VSAM cluster, VWX.EXAMPLE.KSDS1. The second DEFINE command defines an entry-sequenced VSAM cluster, KLM.EXAMPLE.ESDS1. In both examples, it is assumed that alias names, VWX and KLM, have been defined for user catalogs RSTUCAT1 and RSTUCAT2, respectively.
//DEFCLU2  JOB    ...
//SYSIN    DD     *
           (NAME(VWX.EXAMPLE.KSDS1) -
           MODEL(VWX.MYDATA) -
           (NAME(KLM.EXAMPLE.ESDS1) -
           RECORDS(100 500) -
           RECORDSIZE(250 250) -
           VOLUMES(VSER03) -
           NONINDEXED  )
The first DEFINE command builds a cluster entry, a data entry, and an index entry to define the key-sequenced cluster VWX.EXAMPLE.KSDS1. Its parameters are:
  • NAME specifies the name of the key-sequenced cluster, VWX.EXAMPLE.KSDS1. The cluster is defined in the user catalog for which VWX has been established as an alias.
  • MODEL identifies VWX.MYDATA as the cluster to use as a model for VWX.EXAMPLE.KSDS1. The attributes and specifications of VWX.MYDATA that are not otherwise specified with the DEFINE command parameters are used to define the attributes and specifications of VWX.EXAMPLE.KSDS1. VWX.MYDATA is located in the user catalog for which VWX has been established as an alias.
  • VOLUMES specifies that the cluster is to reside on volume VSER02.
The second DEFINE command builds a cluster entry and a data entry to define an entry-sequenced cluster, KLM.EXAMPLE.ESDS1. Its parameters are:
  • NAME specifies the name of the entry-sequenced cluster, KLM.EXAMPLE.ESDS1. The cluster is defined in the user catalog for which KLM has been established as an alias.
  • RECORDS specifies that the cluster space allocation is 100 records. When the cluster is extended, it is extended in increments of 500 records.
  • RECORDSIZE specifies that the cluster records are fixed length (the average record size equals the maximum record size) and 250 bytes long.
  • VOLUMES specifies that the cluster is to reside on volume VSER03.
  • NONINDEXED specifies that the cluster is to be an entry-sequenced cluster.