Alter the Entry Names of Generically Named Clusters: Example 3

In this example, several clusters with similar names, GENERIC.*.BAKER (where * is any 1 to 8 character simple name), are renamed so that their entry names are GENERIC.*.ABLE. The name "GENERIC.*.BAKER" is called a generic name.

Note that you cannot use GENERIC * in the ALTER command for USERCATALOG objects because the UCAT names are not CLUSTER names, they are UCAT connector records.

//ALTER2   JOB   ...
//SYSIN    DD    *
     ALTER -
           GENERIC.*.BAKER -
The ALTER command changes each generic entry name, GENERIC.*.BAKER, to GENERIC.*.ABLE. Its parameters are:
  • GENERIC.*.BAKER identifies the objects to be modified.
  • NEWNAME changes each generic entry name GENERIC.*.BAKER to GENERIC.*.ABLE.