Number of digits

The default number of digits for a numeric field varies according to the type of field or statistic. You can change the number of digits for a numeric field by adding Udd to your formatting items where dd is the number of digits you want. To use 5 digits for the count value in the report, instead of the default of 15 digits, just add EDCOUNT(U05). The RPT data set looks like this:

07/22/08        Colorado Branches Report        - 1 -

City                               Profit            Employees
---------------     ---------------------     ----------------
Aspen                              5,200                    20
Boulder                            7,351                    32
Denver                             6,288                    33
Fort Collins                      (2,863)                   22
Vail                               5,027                    19

Total                             21,003                   126

Average                            4,200                    25

Lowest                            (2,863)                   19

Number of cities     5