No statistics

By default, any statistics you request using TOTAL, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, and AVERAGE (as well as BTOTAL, BMINIMUM, BMAXIMUM and BAVERAGE, which you will learn about later) are displayed for every numeric ON field. You can use the NOST formatting item to suppress statistics for numeric fields, such as telephone numbers, for which they are meaningless. The following DISPLAY operator prints a report from the SORT.BRANCH data set with totals for the Revenue and Profit fields, but not for the Employees field.
 HEADER('City') ON(1,15,CH) -
 HEADER('Employees') ON(18,4,ZD,NOST) -
 HEADER('Revenue') ON(22,6,PD) -
 HEADER('Profit') ON(28,6,PD) -
The RPT3 data set looks like this:
City              Employees            Revenue             Profit
---------------   ---------   ----------------   ----------------
Los Angeles              32              22530              -4278
San Francisco            35              42820               6832
Fort Collins             22              12300              -2863
Sacramento               29              42726               8276
Sunnyvale                18              16152               -978
Denver                   33              31876               6288
Boulder                  32              33866               7351
Morgan Hill              15              18200               3271
Vail                     19              23202               5027
San Jose                 21              27225               8264
San Diego                22              32940               8275
Aspen                    20              25800               5200

Totals                                  329637              50665