No data or carriage control characters

If you want your report to contain the overall statistics page, but not the actual data lines, you can add OUTFIL's NODETAIL parameter to your OUTFIL statement. NODETAIL tells DFSORT to process the data records in the usual way, but not to write them to the report data set.

If you do not want the ANSI carriage control characters in your report, you can add OUTFIL's REMOVECC parameter to your OUTFIL statement. REMOVECC tells DFSORT to remove the carriage control character from the first byte of each record. As a result, the data starts in column 1 of the report rather than in column 2.

Suppose you want to produce two output data sets. The first data set should have a single output record with the total count of records in your input data set. The second data set should have a single output record with today's date in the form ddmmyyyy. The following statements would produce these two output data sets:
If the input data set has 12 records, the single record produced for BRANCHCT with the count in columns 1-10 is:
If the job is run on July 15th, 2004, the single record produced for CURDT with the ddmmyyyy date in columns 1-8 is: