CEEOEXEC replaces the prior POSIX process image with a new process image for the executable file being run, supporting the POSIX 1003.1 exec() function.


void CEEOEXEC (path_name_length, path_name, argument_count, argument_length_list, argument_list, environment_count, environment_data_length, environment_data_list, [fc])
INT4     *path_name_length;
VSTRING  *path_name;
INT4     *argument_count;
POINTER  *argument_length_list;
POINTER  *argument_list;
INT4     *environment_count;
POINTER  *environment_data_length;
POINTER  *environment_data_list;
Call this CWI interface as follows:
L     R15,CEECAACELV-CEECAA(,R12)     CAA address is in R12 
L     R15,3288(,R15)
BALR  R14,R15
path_name_length (input)
Specifies the name of a full word containing the length of the path name of the file (program) to be run. The length can be up to 1023 bytes long.
path_name (input)
Specifies the name of a field of length file_name_length containing the fully qualified path name of the file (program) to be run. Each component of the path name can be up to 255 characters long. The complete path name can be up to 1023 characters long and does not require a terminating character.
argument_count (input)
Specifies the name of a full word containing a count of the number of pointers in the argument_length_list and the argument_list lists. If the program needs no arguments, specify zero.
argument_length_list (input)
Specifies the address of the first in a list of pointers. Each pointer in the list is the address of a full word giving the length of one of the arguments to be passed to the specified program. If the program needs no arguments, specify zero.
argument_list (input)
Specifies the address of a list of pointers. Each pointer in the list is the address of a character string which is an argument to be passed to the specified program. Each argument is of the length specified by the corresponding element in the argument_length_list. If the program needs no arguments, specify zero.
environment_count (input)
Specifies the name of a full word containing a count of the number of pointers in the environment_data_length and the environment_data_list lists. If the program needs no arguments, specify zero.
environment_data_length (input)
Specifies the address of the first in a list of pointers. Each pointer in the list is the address of a full word giving the length of one of the environment variables to be passed to the specified program. If the program does not use environment variables, specify zero.
environment_data_list (input)
Specifies the address of a list of pointers. Each pointer in the list is the address of a character string consisting of one of the environment variables to be passed to the specified program. Each environment list argument is of the length specified by the corresponding element in the environment_length_list. If the program does not use environment variables, specify zero.
fc (output/optional)
The parameter in which the CWI service feedback code is placed. The following conditions can result from this CWI service.
Condition Description category Description value
CEE000 Severity 0
Msg_No 0000
Message The service completed successfully.
CEE4SA Severity 3
Msg_No 5002
Message POSIX function not available. z/OS UNIX System Services were not started.
CEE512 Severity 3
Msg_No 5154
Message The requested exec() failed because it was invoked from a multithread environment.
CEE519 Severity 3
Msg_No 5161
Message The z/OS UNIX callable service BPX1EXC for the exec() function was unsuccessful. The system return code was [return_code]; the reason code was [reason_code].
Qualifying Data:
No. Name Input/ Output Type Value
1 parm_count Input INT4 3
2 return_code Input INT4 Return code from kernel, BPX1EXC function
Codes defined by ANSI C, POSIX, and z/OS UNIX
3 reason_code Input INT4 Reason code from kernel, BPX1EXC function
Codes defined by ANSI C, POSIX, and z/OS UNIX
Usage notes:
  1. Replaces the prior process image with a new process image for the executable file being run.
  2. Target of exec() must be a C program and live in the POSIX file system and POSIX(ON) runtime option must be present.
  3. Establishes an exit routine with the kernel, to gain control after the kernel has validated the exec() and prior to replacing the process image. In this exit routine, Language Environment drives member languages for enclave termination.
  4. The values of the return_code and reason_code are as defined in the z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference and the OpenEdition for VM/ESA: Callable Services Reference.
  5. This function is accessible independent of the POSIX runtime option.