__ae_autoconvert_state() — returns automatic conversion state of thread


Standards/Extensions C or C++ Dependencies
Language Environment both z/OS V1R2


#define _CVTSTATE_OFF     0
#define _CVTSTATE_ON      1
#define _CVTSTATE_ALL     4
#define _CVTSTATE_SWAP    2
#define _CVTSTATE_QUERY   3

int __ae_autoconvert_state(int action);
Automatic conversion for the current thread is set to OFF.
Automatic conversion for the current thread is set to ON.
Automatic conversion for the current thread is set to ALL.
Automatic conversion is swapped to the state opposite that of the current thread state. When the current state is ON or ALL, the state will be set to OFF. When the current state is OFF, then the state will be set to the latest enabled state for automatic conversion (ON or ALL) or if automatic conversion was never enabled on this thread, the state will be set to ON.
Current® thread's automatic conversion state remains unchanged (only return value is significant).

Return values

Regardless of the action argument, the returned integer value for __ae_autoconvert_state is the current thread's automatic conversion state before any changes were made based upon the action requested. This returned value will be _CVTSTATE_OFF, CVTSTATE_ON or _CVTSTATE_ALL.

If the C runtime library is unable to access or set the automatic conversion state, or an invalid action argument is supplied, __ae_autoconvert_state will fail by returning -1.