Customizing USS tables

You can customize VTAM® messages, commands, and the translation table by coding your own USS table. For example, you can change messages to provide non-English text, change characteristics of a message, or change the syntax or default values for a command.

Any changes to VTAM messages or commands should be made with supplementary user-defined USS tables. The IBM-supplied USS tables should not be changed or removed because they are used to define all commands and messages that are not defined in a user-written table. The name of the user-defined USS table should be different from any of the default tables.

If you plan to make extensive changes in your user-defined USS table, you might find that the easiest way to generate the table is to copy the IBM-supplied USS tables and make changes to the new copies.

Note: Because some program operator applications depend on VTAM messages, changes to an operator message could disrupt the functioning of a program operator application.
A USS table can be associated with a particular resource by the following items:
Terminal operator
  • LANGTAB operand on a USS command
  • USSTAB operand on the logical unit's definition statement
VTAM operator
Program operator
  • USSTAB operand on the application definition statement
  • SSCPFM operand on the application definition statement