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Specifies whether VTAM® should automatically send an LDLC probe to the remote partner to determine whether all ports are accessible during the activation of the Enterprise Extender (EE) connection. The EEVERIFY option might also specify the time interval during which VTAM should send the probe on active EE connections.

The EEVERIFY operand is valid only for the EE connection network defined by this group. If you do not code this operand, VTAM uses the value that you coded on the EEVERIFY start option.

Specifies that VTAM should automatically send an LDLC probe to the remote partner to determine whether all ports are accessible during the activation of the EE connection. If one or more ports are not reachable or are blocked, then VTAM issues an error message and does not activate the EE connection.
Specifies that VTAM should never automatically send an LDLC probe to the remote partner to determine whether all ports are accessible during the activation of the EE connection.
Specifies that VTAM should automatically send an LDLC probe during the activation of the EE connection and that VTAM should continue to periodically send LDLC probes at intervals specified by the Number_of_minutes value while the connection is active. Valid values for Number_of_minutes are in the range 1 - 1440 minutes (1440 minutes specifies 1 day). If one or more ports are not reachable or are blocked at activation, then VTAM issues an error message and does not activate the EE connection. If one or more ports are not reachable after the connection is active, VTAM issues an error message, but the connection remains active.

For predefined EE connections, define this parameter on the PU definition in the switched major node. For dial-in EE connections that have their associated PUs dynamically created, define this parameter on the model major node (DYNTYPE=EE) PU definition statement.