Example 1: WEIGHT operand not coded

In the following example, the WEIGHT operand was not specified. Because the line row number was specified as 5 and the default values for 8-row definitions are in effect (NUMBER=8 on the APPNCOS definition statement), the value 150 is substituted as the default value for WEIGHT. Had the default values for 12-row definitions been in effect (NUMBER=12 on the APPNCOS definition statement), the value 100 would have been substituted as the default value for weight. Note also that line rows 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 were not coded. Therefore, only one line row is defined for COSDEF1.
* COS entry                                                           *
COSDEF1  APPNCOS PRIORITY=HIGH                   transmission priority
* Line row                                                            *
         LINEROW NUMBER=5,                       line row number       *
                 CAPACITY=(1200,4M),             line speed            *
                 COSTTIME=(5,10),                cost per connect time *
                 COSTBYTE=(10,20),               cost per byte         *
                 PDELAY=(MINIMUM,PACKET),        propagation delay     *
                 SECURITY=(PUBLIC,ENCRYPT),      security              *
                 UPARM1=(0,100),                 user defined parm 1   *
                 UPARM2=(100,200),               user defined parm 2   *
                 UPARM3=(0,10)                   user defined parm 3