VARY ACQ command

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Acquire an NCP, and optionally its subordinate resources, from another host:

>>-VARY-- --NET--,--ACQ--,--ID--=--ncp_name--------------------->

   '-,--OWNER--=--host_name-'  '-,--PUSUB-'   

   '-,--ACT--| Operands used with ACT |-'   

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Acquire inactive NCP, and optionally its subordinate resources, without activating them:

>>-VARY-- --NET--,--ACQ--,--ID--=--ncp_name--+----------+------><

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Acquire inactive NCP, and optionally its subordinate resources, and activate them:

>>-VARY-- --NET--,--ACQ--,--ID--=--ncp_name--,--ACT------------->

>--| Operands used with ACT |--+----------+--------------------->


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Acquire nonswitched PU and its LUs:

>>-VARY-- --NET--,--ACQ--,--ID--=--pu_name---------------------->

   '-,--ACT--| Operands used with ACT |-'   

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Operands used with ACT




Operand Abbreviation


The VARY ACQ (acquire) command is used to acquire an NCP, or to acquire a peripheral PU (except for switched and local SNA PUs) attached by a nonswitched line. An NCP or a peripheral physical unit attached to an NCP can be acquired as part of a backup and recovery procedure in a multiple-domain network. A physical unit attached to an NCP can also be acquired as part of a switched network backup procedure in either a single-domain or multiple-domain network.

The purpose of the VARY ACQ command is to acquire ownership of:
  • NCP resources that are normally owned by another host. In that case, the NCP must have been previously activated.

    See the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference for additional information regarding the association of a resource with a particular host.

  • All resources within an NCP, including the NCP itself. In that case, the NCP major node must be inactive and contacted through an active link station.
  • An individual peripheral physical unit and its logical units.

Acquiring an NCP makes that NCP's resources known to VTAM® until the NCP is released or deactivated. Likewise, acquiring a physical unit makes its logical units known until the physical unit is released.

Acquiring a physical PU in a logical hierarchy results in the acquisition of the logical lines in addition to any LUs. Also, the logical lines can be acquired only if the physical PU is acquired. This means that acquiring an NCP acquires the logical lines only if PUSUB is specified. Otherwise, a VARY ACQ command must be entered for the physical PU.

For a switched physical PU with a logical hierarchy, PUSUB must be specified when the NCP is acquired in order to acquire the associated logical lines and establish the hierarchy. It is not possible to acquire the switched physical PU individually. Therefore, the logical lines must be acquired when the physical line is acquired. (VTAM acquires physical lines when the NCP major node is acquired). If the physical line is acquired without PUSUB specified, then the physical/logical hierarchy will not be established. The physical units under the logical lines can be acquired individually, but their lines will not be considered subordinate to the switched physical PU.

If a subarea VTAM takes over an NCP owned by an APPN VTAM, it is possible that some resources will no longer be known. To avoid this situation, it is recommended that only APPN VTAMs take over resources from other APPN VTAMs.

The VARY ACQ command can also be entered for a physical unit when terminating a switched network backup procedure. The purpose of the VARY ACQ command is to make a nonswitched physical unit's logical units known to VTAM after a switched physical unit definition (representing the same physical device with a different physical unit name but with the same logical unit names) is deactivated.


If you use the ACT operand on the VARY ACQ command, other operands of the VARY ACT command are available. The operands you can use are:
  • For resources subordinate to the NCP:
    • LOGON
    • SCOPE
  • For the NCP and resources subordinate to the NCP:
    • LOGON
    • SCOPE
  • For PUs and LUs:
    • LOGON
    • SCOPE

See the VARY ACT command for a complete description of the operands from the VARY ACT command that apply.

Specifies the name of the resource that is to be acquired. The resource must be either an NCP major node or a physical unit within an NCP major node.

If the resource being acquired is an inactive NCP, it is possible to specify any name for the ID operand, and then use the LOADMOD operand to identify the actual NCP major node. If PUNAME is specified in the BUILD definition statement, the NCP's name must match that PUNAME value.

Specifies the member name in VTAMLST of the NCP major node to be acquired. This operand applies to the acquisition of inactive NCPs only. If LOADMOD is not specified, the name specified for the ID operand is used as the member name.

See the LOADMOD operand on the VARY ACT command for a complete description.

Applies only when ID specifies an NCP that has previously been activated. VTAM acquires only the resources that have an owner name matching the one on this operand. You can specify only one owner name on this command. However, you can enter multiple acquire commands, each specifying a different owner name. If you do not specify OWNER on this command, all resources that have OWNER coded in their resource definition are acquired, regardless of which host is defined as the owner. However, resources that do not have OWNER coded are not acquired.

The host_name operand is defined in the NCP PCCU macro or coded on specific resources within an NCP, such as LINE or PU. This name specified on the OWNER operand cannot match the name of the VTAM host from which you are issuing the command (that is, VTAM cannot acquire resources that it already owns).

Applies only when ID specifies an NCP. PUSUB specifies that physical units and their logical units, subordinate to the acquired NCP are to be acquired in addition to the higher-level resources. If an NCP has previously been acquired without PUSUB, specifying PUSUB in a subsequent VARY ACQ command for the NCP can be used to acquire subordinate PUs and LUs.

If PUSUB is not specified, no PUs and associated LUs are acquired.

Specifies the scope of the command.

WARM and SCOPE cannot be specified on the same command. If both are specified, the command fails.

The only SCOPE value applicable to model major node, LUGROUP major node, path definition set, or adjacent SSCP tables is SCOPE=SYNTAX.

SCOPE has no effect for a TRL major node. If the SCOPE value is specified for this resource, VTAM issues message IST1275I to indicate that the operand was ignored and continues processing.

For configuration restart, the checkpoint data set is updated with information about these resources, unless SCOPE=SYNTAX is specified. No information is stored in the checkpoint data set if the SYNTAX option is used.
Specifies that the resource named in the ID operand and all of the appropriate subordinate resources are to be activated (regardless of their defined ISTATUS values).
Specifies one of the following actions:
  • For the initial activation of a major node, activates all subordinate minor nodes according to the ISTATUS specification. (This is the same as SCOPE=U.)
  • For a major node that is already active:
    • If UPDATE=ADD|ALL is specified on the same command, VTAM updates the current configuration to match the VTAMLST definition and activates minor nodes based on the ISTATUS value.
    • If UPDATE=IMPLICIT is specified or assumed by default, VTAM activates all subordinate minor nodes that were not previously active. (Logical units are activated according to their ISTATUS specification if the PU was not previously active. Otherwise, they are not activated.)
  • For a minor node, the action depends on the node type, as follows:
    Node Action
    Group, PU Same as SCOPE=U
    Line, LU, APPL, CDRSC, link station Same as SCOPE=ONLY

    LU activation varies according to the owning PU status when processing a SCOPE=COMP on an active major node. A previously inactive PU is activated and its subordinate LUs are activated according to their ISTATUS specification. The LUs of a previously active PU are ignored.

Specifies that only the resource named in the ID operand is to be activated; none of its subordinate resources are to be activated (regardless of their defined ISTATUS values).
Specifies that the resource named in the ID operand, and all the appropriate subordinate resources defined with ISTATUS=ACTIVE, are to be activated.