LOCAL SAP = local_sap REMOTE SAP = remote_sap


VTAM® issues this message as part of a group in response to a DISPLAY ID for
  • An external communication adapter (XCA) major node that defines an Enterprise Extender (HPR/IP) port.
  • A remote node connected through Enterprise Extender (HPR/IP).

local_sap is the decimal value of the service access point of the local node.

remote_sap is the decimal value of the service access point of the remote node.

The SAPs, along with the ip_address in message IST1680I, uniquely identify a link. An ****NA**** in either the local_sap or the remote_sap indicates that the value is not available because a line defined in the XCA major node has not been activated.

System action

Processing continues.

Operator response


System programmer response


Routing code


Descriptor code