nodename command RNAME = operand FAILED


VTAM® issues this message when command failed for nodename because an unacceptable operand was entered.

The command failed for one of the following reasons:
  • RNAME = nodename was specified during activation of a communication controller where nodename is the name of a logical unit and therefore is not valid.
  • The value specified in the RNAME operand is not a valid link station name.
  • RNAME = backup was specified, but VTAM was not able to process backup link station backup.
  • The value specified in the RNAME operand does not match the Network Control Program (NCP) definition.

If a network-qualified name was entered on the command line, VTAM issues nodename in the form

System action

VTAM rejects the command.

Operator response

Reenter the command specifying a valid nodename or value for operand.

System programmer response


Routing code


Descriptor code