

VTAM® issues this message when a resource defined in an external communication adapter (XCA) major node cannot recover from an abend.

resource contains the type and name of the abended resource. Possible values are:
LINE linename
Line linename in an XCA major node is unusable. All other lines in this major node are unaffected.
SAP sapnum IN NODE nodename
Service access point (SAP) sapnum in XCA major node nodename is unusable.

If sapnum is an SNA SAP, all lines associated with this SAP are unusable. Any VCNS line in this major node is unaffected.

If sapnum is a VCNS SAP, the specified SAP is unusable. All other SAPs associated with the VCNS line are unaffected. All SNA lines are unaffected.

NODE nodename
XCA major node nodename is unusable. All SNA and VCNS lines in this major node are unusable. Other VTAM major nodes are unaffected.

System action

The resource identified in the message and all resources using it are marked unusable. Processing continues unchanged for all other resources.

Operator response

Save the system log and dump for problem determination.

System programmer response

Use the system log and dump to assist you in determining the reason for the abend. To use the failed resource, you must halt and restart VTAM. If you need additional assistance, contact the IBM® software support center.

Routing code


Descriptor code