z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures
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z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures

Use VTRPH to analyze the entire LP buffer pool of request parameter headers (RPHs) and display those that are waiting, running, holding locks, or are in error.

If an RPH is waiting at an address other than X'0' or X'FFFFFFFF', the major control block and the current process anchor block (PAB) are listed. In addition, the resume addresses are shown with the number of RPHs that were waiting at those addresses.

Use the following syntax as an alternative to the panel interface.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

Sample output

                             VTRPH Analysis
                        LP Buffer Analysis
Buffers available        56
Total number of buffers  64
Number of expansions         0
Buffer found does not contain an RPH at address X'02928010'
RPH at buffer address X'02929010' is running, RPHRESUM = 0
Module was not found
RPH Major control block:
 DATA: 00CC48F8
    +0000  11280000  00000000  02915E88  00000000  | .........j;h.... |
    +0010  00000000  00000000  00CC492C  02929010  | ........."...k.. |
    +0020  29241000  00000010                      | ........         |
Work elements found    4
RPH work element address X'02A275F8'
RPH at buffer address X'0292B010' is running, RPHRESUM = 0
Module was not found
RPH Major control block:
 DATA: 00CC43F8
    +0000  11280000  00000000  02915E88  00000000  | .........j;h.... |
    +0010  80000000  80000000  00CC44B4  0292B010  | .........".+.k[. |
    +0020  14201000  00000010                      | ........         |
Work elements found    1
RPH work element address X'02C4F340'
Error buffers found                    1
Unallocated buffers found             61
Total number of buffers processed     64
No allocated CRAs were found

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