z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures
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Network control program (NCP) dump

z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures

You can get either dynamic or static dumps of NCP storage in a communication controller.

You can use the DISPLAY NCPSTOR command to dynamically dump up to 256 bytes of NCP storage. When you request a dynamic dump, VTAM® sends repeated DISPSTOR RUs to the NCP until the entire contents of NCP storage have been transmitted.The NCP continues to operate during this period. As a result, the dump represents NCP storage over a period of time.

You can get a static dump with the VTAM dump facility (for a channel-attached or link-attached communication controller).You can also get a static dump with the independent dump utility (for a channel-attached communication controller only). Table 1 summarizes the methods and requirements for dumping the NCP.

NCP dumps are not allowed on lines or data links (including multipoint subarea links) for which IPL=NO was specified in the NCP definition deck. Therefore:
  • Code IPL=YES for any line or link which might be used to IPL or dump any attached type 4 physical unit.
  • If IPL=YES was not specified for a line with one or more type 4 physical units attached, do not try to load or dump over that line.
Note: If you do not specify a value for IPL, the default is IPL=NO.

If you have a 3720 or 3745 Communication Controller with a hard disk in your network, you can transfer NCP, MOSS, and CSP dumps from the communication controller disk to the host. You can also transfer the NCP load module from the host to the disk. If you need to restart the NCP, you can load the NCP load module from the disk.

Specifically, you can perform the following tasks with the 3720 or 3745 Communication Controller with hard disk:
  • save the NCP load module to the disk
  • load the NCP load module from the disk
  • transfer an NCP, MOSS, or CSP dump stored on the disk to the host
  • purge an NCP, MOSS, or CSP dump stored on the disk
  • control automatic loading and dumping of the NCP to or from the disk
  • display up to 256 bytes of NCP dump or state vector stored on the disk

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