z/OS Communications Server: CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide
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MIBConnect—MIB connection function

z/OS Communications Server: CMIP Services and Topology Agent Guide


The MIBConnect function returns a link identifier that is used to refer to the connection in future calls to the API.

The MIBConnect function is a synchronous function. The return code from the MIBConnect function indicates whether the function completed successfully.

The MIBConnect function opens an ACB on behalf of the caller. The ACB is closed when the caller calls the MIBDisconnect function or when the task that called the MIBConnect function terminates. The ACB is not closed when CMIP services terminates or when VTAM® terminates.


The following declarations indicate the order of the parameters for this function.
typedef int MIBConnect_t(
      unsigned int,     /* API level - input                         */
      int *,            /* link identifier - output                  */
      unsigned int,     /* maximum outstanding invoke
                           identifiers - input                       */
      const char *,     /* application ACB name - input              */
      void *,           /* TPEND routine pointer - optional input    */
      void *,           /* read queue exit routine pointer - input   */
      unsigned int *,   /* SMAE name buffer size - input/output      */
      char *,           /* SMAE name buffer - output                 */
      unsigned int *,   /* System Object name buffer size -
                           input/output                              */
      char *,           /* System Object name buffer - output        */
      int,              /* user data - input                         */
      unsigned int *,   /* OPEN ACB error value - output             */
      char **,          /* VTAM release level - output               */
      const char *,     /* password - optional input                 */
      unsigned int,     /* data space vector length - optional input */
      ISTRIV10_t *,     /* data space vector - optional input        */
      unsigned int,     /* local identifier length - input           */
      unsigned int);    /* connection options - input                */


API level
This parameter must be 0.
link identifier
MIBConnect returns a value in this field. The application program must provide this value in subsequent API calls.
maximum outstanding invoke identifiers
This parameter determines how many unique invoke identifiers can be generated locally by the API. Invoke identifiers are generated on all requests that are sent to CMIP services and can be reused once the response has been received by the requestor. API functions generate and clear invoke identifiers. The caller of the API function does not need to generate or keep track of outstanding invoke identifiers except where needed for its own request/response correlation.
Note: Valid values are 256 to 65535. Input values are changed to meet the minimum or maximum range.
application ACB name
This parameter is a pointer to a null-terminated string that represents the unique name associated with application. The name must be unique among VTAM resources and must be defined on the APPL definition statement. It must follow the naming rules that apply to application programs that open an ACB.
The following APPL definition statement defines TOPOMGR as the application program's ACB name.
See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference for information about the ACBNAME operand on the APPL definition statement.
Note: The value of this parameter is converted to uppercase before being passed to OPEN ACB.
TPEND routine pointer
This parameter is the address of an application assembler routine to be called by VTAM if VTAM terminates before the application program terminates or issues the MIBDisconnect function. Specify NULL if you do not wish to provide a termination exit routine.

See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming for information about the TPEND exit routine.

As with other TPEND exit routines, the application program should clean up in an orderly manner for a normal HALT command. The application program should deregister objects, discard EFDs, and disconnect.

In response to a HALT QUICK or HALT CANCEL command, the application program should not attempt to clean up. It should only issue the MIBDisconnect function.

Note: The ACBUSER field are set to the value of the user data parameter supplied on the MIBConnect function when the TPEND exit routine is scheduled.
read queue exit routine pointer
This parameter is the address of an application assembler routine to be called by CMIP services when messages are to be received. See Read queue exit routine for information about the read queue exit.
SMAE name buffer size
This is the size of the buffer provided by the application for the SMAE name. 100 bytes is the recommended size for this buffer.

MIBConnect is set the value to the actual length (including the terminating zero) on output.

If the buffer provided is not long enough, MIBConnect returns the MB_ERR_STORAGE_TOO_SMALL return code. The application should allocate a new buffer using the updated value of this parameter and call MIBConnect again.

SMAE name buffer
MIBConnect places a pattern for building SMAE names in the storage pointed to by this parameter. The application program can use this pattern with the C Standard Library function sprintf to build the name of a SMAE name on this host.
The following example SMAE name format as returned by MIBConnect:; SSCP1A);
Assuming that format is the name of a character array containing the format string and AE is the name of a character array to hold the resulting SMAE name, the following code will build a SMAE name that could be used for the RegisterAE special CMIP Services request.
The name of the default SMAE provided by CMIP Services has OSISMASE as the final attribute value in the distinguished name.
System Object name buffer size
This is the size of the buffer provided by the application for the System Object. The recommended size for this buffer is 100 bytes.

MIBConnect sets the value to the actual length (including the terminating zero) on output.

If the buffer provided is not long enough, MIBConnect returns MB_ERR_STORAGE_TOO_SMALL. The application program should then allocate a new buffer using the updated value of this parameter and call MIBConnect again.

System Object name buffer
MIBConnect places the name of the System Object into this buffer.

The System Object name should be used when creating local EFDs; EFDs are named "under" the System Object.

user data
This four-byte field is provided to the application program on entry to the read queue and to the TPEND exit routines.
OPEN ACB error value
When control is returned to the application program and the return code is MB_ERR_CONNECT, the OPEN ACB error value parameter needs to be evaluated.
The following list shows the OPEN ACB error values returned in the OPEN ACB error value parameter.
0 (X'00')
OPEN successfully opened this ACB.
4 (X'04')
The ACB has been opened.
20 (X'14')
OPEN cannot be processed because of a temporary shortage of storage.
36 (X'24')
The OPEN ACB failed for one of the following reasons:
  • The password specified by the ACB did not match the corresponding password in the APPL entry.
  • The ACB did not specify a password and the APPL contains one.
  • The security management product determined that the user is not authorized to open the ACB.
70 (X'46')
OPEN was issued in an exit routine.
80 (X'50')
VTAM has not been included as part of the operating system. The fault lies in the system definition procedures.
82 (X'52')
VTAM is included as part of the operating system, but the VTAM operator issued a HALT command, and VTAM has shut down. You cannot attempt to establish a session or communicate with any LUs.
84 (X'54')
Either the address supplied in the ACB's APPLID field lies beyond the addressable range of your application program, or no entry is found in the VTAM configuration tables that matches the name indicated by the ACB's APPLID field (or supplied by the operating system). If the OPEN macroinstruction is specified correctly, your system programmer might have:
  • Failed to include your application program's symbolic name during VTAM definition
  • Improperly handled the symbolic name
Refer to the description of the APPLID operand in the ACB macroinstruction.
86 (X'56')
A match for your application program's symbolic name is found, but it is for an entry other than an APPL. If you specified this name in the ACB's APPLID field, verify that you have the correct name and handled this name properly (see the APPLID operand of the ACB macroinstruction). If the symbolic name is supplied by the operating system, the supplied name is suspect.
88 (X'58')
Another ACB, already opened by VTAM, indicates the same application program symbolic name that this ACB does. The system programmer might have assigned the same symbolic name to two application programs. This is valid only if the programs are not open concurrently. Possibly the system operator initiated your program at the wrong time.
90 (X'5A')
No entry is found in the VTAM configuration tables that matches the name indicated by the ACB's APPLID field (or supplied by the operating system). This error might have occurred for one of the following reasons:
  • The VTAM operator deactivated the APPL entry.
  • The APPL entry was never created.
  • If VTAM is trying to recover for persistent sessions, the application is not in pending recovery state.
92 (X'5C')
VTAM is included as part of the operating system but inactive.
94 (X'5E')
The address supplied in the ACB's APPLID field lies beyond the addressable range of your application program.
95 (X'5F')
The VTAM transient being used by the application for an OPEN ACB does not match the level of VTAM.
96 (X'60')
An apparent system error occurred. Either there is a logic error in VTAM, or there is an error in your use of OPEN or CLOSE that VTAM did not properly detect. Save all applicable program listings and storage dumps, and consult IBM® Service.
98 (X'62')
The APPLID length byte is incorrectly specified.
100 (X'64')
The address supplied in the ACB's PASSWD field lies beyond the addressable range of your application program.
102 (X'66')
The PASSWD length byte is incorrectly specified.
104 (X'68')
The APPLID field in the ACB identifies an application program that is defined with AUTH=PPO in its APPL definition statement. Another program with the same authorization is active. Only one program defined with AUTH=PPO can be active at a time.
106 (X'6A')
The address supplied in the ACB's vector list field lies beyond the addressable range of your application program.
108 (X'6C')
The VTAM ACB vector list length byte is incorrectly specified.
112 (X'70')
You attempted to open an ACB that is in the process of being closed. This can occur when a VTAM application program job step or subtask is canceled or terminates abnormally. The process of closing the ACB can continue after the job step or subtask has actually terminated. Subsequently, if the job step is restarted or the subtask is reattached before the ACB closing process has been completed, an OPEN macroinstruction that is then issued for that ACB fails.
114 (X'72')
This code occurs when an OPEN ACB fails for an LU 6.2 application with VERIFY=OPTIONAL or VERIFY=REQUIRED for one of the following reasons:
  • The security management product is not installed.
  • The security management product is not active.
  • The security management product resource class APPCLU is not active.
  • The application represented by the ACB is not in the security management product Started Procedures Table.
116 (X'74')
VTAM rejected the takeover by an alternate application because the original application did not enable persistence, although it is capable of persistence.
118 (X'76')
OPEN failed because the specified application is in a recovery pending state and PERSIST=YES is not specified on the ACB that is being opened. The OPEN may also fail if the application is in pending terminate state and an active CDRSC with the same name has been found in the sysplex.
120 (X'78')
ACB option mismatch between original application and opening takeover or recovery application. One or more of the following can apply:
  • MACRF mismatch—both values must be either LOGON or NLOGON; they cannot differ.
  • NQNAMES mismatch—both applications must be specified as NQNAMES=YES or NQNAMES=NO; they cannot differ.
  • PERSIST mismatch—both applications must be specified as PERSIST=YES.
  • FDX mismatch—both applications must be specified as FDX=YES or FDX=NO; they cannot differ.
  • ISTVAC81 mismatch—the application capabilities vector provided by the recovering application does not match that of the original application.
140 (X'8C')
PERFMON=YES is coded on the ACB but the application is not CNM and POA authorized.
188 (X'BC')
The ACB is in the process of being opened or closed by another request.
244 (X'F4')
The application program is not authorized for SRBEXIT=YES. A request to open an ACB whose corresponding APPL definition statement specifies SRBEXIT=YES is rejected unless the application program is APF authorized, or using key 0–7, or in supervisor state.
246 (X'F6')
NIB storage address not valid. A CNM authorized application program either failed to supply an NIB pointer in the NIB field of the ACB, or the NIB address supplied lies beyond the addressable range of the application program.
250 (X'FA')
NIB options not valid. Either an application program without CNM authorization (specified in its associated VTAM resource definition) supplied an NIB pointer in its ACB; or, if CNM authorized, the application program failed to supply valid NIB options on the NIB macroinstruction.
254 (X'FE')
Duplicate unsolicited RU routing requested. The CNM routing table indicated that this application program was to receive the same unsolicited formatted requests that were already being routed to another active CNM authorized application program. Only one application program can be actively receiving a particular type of RU (for example, RECFMS) at a time.
VTAM release level
Indicates the address of VTAM release-level vector. See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming for more information about the format of this vector.
Specifies a pointer to a null-terminated string. The application program should specify NULL if no password is to be supplied. If a password is specified on PRTCT operand of the APPL definition statement, MIBConnect fails unless a matching password is provided in the password parameter. Password protection is to prevent a program from running as a predefined application program without authorization.

The value of the password is specified on the PRTCT operand of the APPL definition statement. The value must conform to the rules for coding this operand described in the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference. The maximum length is 8 bytes. Valid passwords contain only alphanumeric characters.

If application program's ACB name is TOPOMGR, the APPL definition statement with a password is similar to the following example:
Note: The value of this parameter is converted to uppercase before being passed to OPEN ACB. This is because VTAM converts the related definition to uppercase but does not convert OPEN ACB parameters to uppercase. Without the conversion to uppercase by MIBConnect, this function would fail if the application provided a lowercase value for this parameter.
data space vector length
If using data space storage, specify a value that is at least the size of (ISTRIV10_t), which is the length of the data space vector. If you are using common storage area storage, specify 0. For an explanation of these types of storage, see Common storage area storage or data space storage?.
data space vector
If you are using data space storage, specify the address of the data space vector (ISTRIV10_t). If you are using the CSA interface, specify NULL. If the MIBConnect function is successful, the fields in this control block are set by VTAM.
The format of the data space vector is:
0 (X'00')
Vector Length
1 (X'01')
Vector identifier = X'10'
2 (X'02')
Name of data space. (The field is 8 bytes long.)
10 (X'0A')
Address of interface control block (ISTNMICB)
14 (X'0E')
STOKEN for data space interface. This value is used in ALESERV MVS™ macro to obtain the ALET value.
22 (X'16')
26 (X'1A')
Address of the dequeue routine
30 (X'1E')
Address of the release routine

The ISTNMICB structure is allocated in the data space. The user application must copy this structure into private storage for any future references because the data space can be deleted at any time if VTAM is terminated. Referring to the original after the data space has been deleted results in an abend. By contrast, calling the dequeue and release routines using private copies of their addresses causes an error indication to be returned. It is not valid to refer directly to the data space through a means other than the dequeue or release routine. Those routines should not be called after VTAM is terminated or after issuing the MBDisconnect function.

The format of the interface control block (ISTNMICB) is:
0 (X'00')
4 (X'04')
Address of the dequeue routine
8 (X'08')
Address of the release routine
local identifier length
Indicates the size of the local identifiers for this application program. The range is 1—8.
connection options
Specify one of the following values:
Indicates that the application program is to use default behaviors for the connection with CMIP services.
Indicates that CMIP services is to send distinguished names to the application program in the short form. Otherwise, CMIP services sends distinguished names to the application program in the long form. In either case, the application program can format distinguished names in strings sent through the API functions in either short or long form.

For a description of short and long names, see What form of distinguished name?.

Return codes

The MIBConnect function was successful, but warning messages might have been issued. Check the OPEN ACB error value parameter for warning messages.
An error occurred allocating storage. If MB_ERR_ALLOC is received by the application program from an API function and there is a corresponding REQS record in the VIT with a nonzero return code, the LPBUF pool is not large enough and should be increased.
CMIP services is inactive.

If using common storage area storage, the read queue exit routine stops functioning.

If using data space storage, messages are not put on the data space.

The MIBConnect was not successful. If the error condition indicated by the OPEN ACB error value parameter can be eliminated, another MIBConnect can be issued.
The value specified for the data space vector length parameter is valid, but the data space vector parameter is not provided.
An incorrect value for the API level parameter was passed.
The value specified for the application name parameter is longer than 8 characters.
The value specified on the connection options parameter is not valid. Specify either NO_CONNECT_OPTIONS or SHORT_NAMES as the value for the connection options parameter.
If the data space vector parameter is specified, the data space vector length must be at least the size of (ISTRIV10_t), which is the length of the data space vector.
Data space storage was specified on the data space vector length parameter, but the environment does not support data spaces.
The OPEN ACB error value parameter does not point to a valid storage location.
The value specified on the link identifier parameter does not refer to a valid connection.
The value specified on the local identifier length parameter is outside the acceptable range of 1—8.
The value specified for the maximum outstanding requests parameter is not valid.
The value specified for the password parameter is not between 0 and 8 characters.
The read queue exit routine was not provided.
The value specified for the VTAM release level parameter is not valid.
The value specified for the SMAE name buffer parameter is not valid.
The buffer sent to the MIBConnect function is too small to accommodate the name of the SMAE. The actual amount of storage required is returned in the SMAE name length parameter.
The value specified for the system object name buffer parameter is not valid.
The buffer sent to the MIBConnect function is too small to accommodate the name of the system object. The actual amount of storage required is returned in the system object name buffer size parameter.
The TPEND exit routine is not valid.
The user data parameter was not provided.
VTAM is inactive.

Example of function in an application program

The following example shows how the MIBConnect function can be coded in an application program.
  typedef struct ReadQueueExitData_tag
    int ECB;
    int ReasonCode;
    char Buffer ??(16384??);
  } ReadQueueExitData_t;
  typedef void *LocalId_t;
  char SMAE                ??(100??);
  char SystemObject        ??(100??);
  char *VTAM_Release;
  const char *ApplName;
  const char *Password;
  int LinkId;
  int rc;
  ReadQueueExitData_t ReadQueueExitData;
  size_t SMAE_Size, SystemObjectSize;
  unsigned int ACB_Info;
  extern void ACYCMS2A(void);
  extern void ACYCMS6A(void);
  rc = APIs.MIBConnect(0,         /* always zero for this release  */
                &LinkId,          /* MIBConnect will fill in LinkId
                                     with a handle to the
                                     connection.                   */
                65536,            /* maximum number of outstanding
                                     requests                      */
                ApplName,         /* ACB name                      */
                (void *)ACYCMS6A, /* TPEND exit                    */
                (void *)ACYCMS2A, /* address of the Read
                                     Queue Exit                    */
                &SMAE_Size,       /* On input, this is the size of
                                     the SMAE buffer.  On output,
                                     this is the length of the SMAE
                                     name.                         */
                SMAE,             /* This is where MIBConnect will
                                     store the SMAE name (if there
                                     is enough room).              */
                &SystemObjectSize,/* On input, this is the
                                     size of the System Object name
                                     buffer.  On output, this is the
                                     length of the System Object
                                     name.                         */
                SystemObject,     /* This is where MIBConnect will
                                     store the System Object name
                                     (if there is enough room).    */
                (int)&ReadQueueExitData, /* This will be provided
                                     to this application's read
                                     queue exit by CMIP Services.  */
                &ACB_Info, /* If an error occurs opening the
                              ACB, this will contain the
                              OPEN ACB error code.          */
                &VTAM_Release, /* MIBConnect will store the
                              address of the VTAM release
                              level here.                   */
                Password,  /* ACB password                  */
                0,         /* dataspace not used            */
                NULL,      /* dataspace not used            */
                sizeof(LocalId_t), /* size of local ids
                              for all objects registered by
                              this application              */
                0);        /* no special options specified  */

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