
If you need to report a problem to IBM®, the SDSF Java™ classes can produce trace records using the facilities of the java.util.logging package. To enable tracing you must modify your file or point to your own copy of the file when invoking your SDSF Java application.

If you are using file-based logging, you can add the following statement to your file to enable SDSF Java tracing: = ALL
You can reference your modified file using the following system property when invoking your application:
In addition, IBM service personnel may request that an SDSF trace be obtained. This causes the SDSF host code to create trace records that can be used to diagnose problems. You can enable trace by using the addISFTrace method in the ISFRequestSettings class or by using the following system property when invoking your application:

SDSF trace records are recorded to a SYSOUT file associated with the process that is running your application. The ddname for the sysout file is named ISFTRACE.